Thursday 5 February 2015

Darah manis.

Hai! Assalamualaikum :)

Hemmm, darah manis. selalu di kaitkan dengan gadis/wanita/perempuan yang bakal menamatkan zaman bujang. And...... its true! if you happen to know someone whose getting married/ getting hitched soon this term or word is cliche. its become norm to our society nowadays or maybe during our parents day back then. that person will always get warned to take a very good care of themselves so that nothing bad will happen to them.

"darah manis, jaga jaga buat kerja tu jangan gopoh sangat"
"hati hati pegang pisau jangan sampai luka darah tengah manis tu"
"hati hati keluar, jangan balik lewat tengah darah manis tu"
.....and the list goes on.

Sebelum ni i used to hear this word, not the one yang selalu kena warn. But this time, kite yang selalu kena dengar dan patuh pada nasihat dan pantang larang supaya jaga diri sendiri. last few weeks im not in a good shape, i can say i start my new year with a bad condition mentally and physically. Selalu sakit, bad things happened, one bad things after another. sampai kawan kite cakap darah tengah manis tu sebab tu jadi macam tu. and i smile to them instead of crying.. bila fikir balik i never thought i will be that tough :)

betul ke this bad things will happen only to the darah manis people? you think?
kalau tanya kite, maybe not. kite rasa selalunya orang panggil darah manis sebab yang nak kahwin ni tengah happy nak kahwin, or maybe tengah stress fikir pasal preparation sampai buat diri sendiri tak fokus bila buat sesuatu which can harm themselves in any possible way. sebab tu, si darah manis ni kena ada extra precaution hihihi. well atleast, this thought can help me to ease myself :)

till then, bye!

Monday 2 February 2015


Assalamualaikum, Hai.

*i wrote and delete sentence for couple times already*

Hello earthlings! my fingers pause for some time because they are awkward. its been ages since the last time they dancing on the keyboard. and now, they started to dancing again. because of too many things running thru my mind i decide to start blogging again. kinda miss blogging actually, and he miss reading whatever i write hihi :) the main reason i decide to continue blogging is because in few weeks time my status will change.

im a married woman! soon. hehehe.

so, i want to document the journey here. in my tiny blog of mine. i want to keep it here and make sure diri ini cukup kerajinan untuk update. also... because of many things happens in my surrounding lately make me feels that blog is the best place for me to write what i think and stop myself from writing it in my instagram which suppose to be only picture and short caption. sekarang ni instagram dah jadi tempat untuk kite tulis panjang panjang sampai semua orang ingat kite buat karangan. my bad hihi.

that is all for now. see you later! :)