Tuesday 5 March 2019

Wean Off Tips - phase 1


Hi everyone. Since there's a few yang bertanya how i teach icha to wean off (well not fully) successfully, so here goes this post. 

So.. Why phase 1?

Sebenarnya i divided the wean off phase into two. Bukan anak je, ibu pun sedih kalau stop abruptly. Hehe.. So i take one step at a time untuk wean off journey ni.. 1st phase yang dah berjaya which is fasa siang icha tak bf at all. It starts from early in the morning sampai malam sebelum tidur. During this 1st phase, icha menyusu waktu tidur je. 2nd phase pun dah start, but let me share the 1st phase first okie? 

How long does it takes?
Is icha ok with no bf rule?
Does icha throw her tantrums?
How did i go through it?

1. Introduce fresh milk way before you want to wean off your baby 
Trust me, this helps! Untuk icha, my husband and i dah introduce susu kotak few months before icha masuk 2 tahun. Just do it for fun, with no pressure. If anak taknak minum let it be. Keep introduce and persuade in a creative way. Macam kitorang, icha mula mula tak tunjuk minat pun nak minum. But as time goes by, icha sendiri mintak susu kotak.

2. Divert your kids attention 
Kids ni bila dia nak tu, nak jugak. Sebagai contoh susu. Kalau dia mintak nak susu nak susu memang jem otak masak tu haha. Icha la as an example. Cuma kena pandai la change her attention. Tunjuk mainan ke, tunjuk animal ke, tunjuk her favourite cartoon ke (in icha's case frozen of course haha) . Kena slowly .. Kadang kadang tak lut jugak. Kena sabarrrrrrrrrrr pujuk. Kalau masih tak jadi ending dia icha akan nangis hehe. Tp takpe let her be.. InshaAllah lama lama akan ok :) 

3. Be firm with your decision 
Wean off ni sangatlah bermain dengan emosi. Haha. Icha sendiri first few weeks masa no bf rule masa siang, icha nangis tak hingat punya. Mesti jiran dok ingat i dera anak. Haha. Pernah icha nangis more than 1/2 an hour continuesly. Nangis sampai takda suara. Fuh.. Masa tu memang nak bf je untuk pujuk.. But i quickly realised that i need to do this. So i ke ntalkan hati yang dah cayaq macam aiskrim tu dan pujuk icha slowly.. It took some time for icha to understand this no bf rule. But keep explain the reason why ok mommies ? And kalau everyone keep on questioning kenapa nak stop, bagi jela. Kenapa nak kasi anak nangis padahal susu ada. Well u know the reason why kan mommies.. Maka janganla emosi dan tetiba eh eh tak nak wean off. Nanti anak you sendiri akan always tantrum bila kita sendiri tak firm with our wean off decision..

4. Let your child or even you to cry
Percayalah.. This is their way to show their feeling. Menangis, mengamuk. You name it. This is how they express their feeling. Kalau orang besar bolehla bebel berjela jela kalau tak puas hati. Kalau kids? What do you expect? Janganla marah kalau anak nangis bagai nak rak.. Soothe their feeling. Kalau tak jalan jugak, biar je dia nangis dulu. Icha pun gitu. Lagi dipujuk, lagi mengaum nangisnye haha. Bila dah puas nangis, dia akan naturally calm down. For me, anak nangis i sekali sebak. Haha. Because i know that i can still bf my child. Why do i need to make her cry. Kan?

3 weeks after, icha dah completely pass the 1st phase..  Maksudnya icha tak nangis dah. Episod nangis jerit jerit dah melabuhkan tirai.. Haha. Setiap pagi she asked for susu kotak, and icha can sleep at noon without bf.. I am so happy. Alhamdulillah it works :) 

Whatever it is, you know your baby well. Tak semestinya everyone kena wean off their baby as soon as they reach 2 years old. 

To some they love bf and tak terfikir pun nak wean off..  
To some, they just had to.. 
To some, they just go with the flow. Anak tak wean off pun dorang ok je. 
To some, they didn't even think about wean off their baby. But their baby wean off naturally ..

I exclusively bf my baby for 2 years.. mestilah sedih bila mulakan wean off journey for icha. I feel that sad feeling even until now. Because that bonding moment with icha slowly takda.. But this is for our own good. InshaAllah :)