Monday 30 December 2019

Tips : Icha dah diapers free

Hi, Assalamualaikum 💗

Masa masuk 2019 early this year, I only target nak wean off icha from breastfeed je. Bila dah berjaya wean off icha in two different phase here 👇

I tak plan pun nak diapers free icha dalam masa terdekat. It all happened and succeed in 3 months, starting from august pause in october sebab holiday then resume back on November.. But mestilah with full of drama haha. Tak drama tak sah ya anak anak 😝 macam wean off phase, diapers free I bahagi dua phase jugak. First phase tak pakai diapers at all masa siang termasuk tidur petang. And another phase is waktu tidur malam.

When i start with the first phase, i jot down the progress. I nak tahu at what time icha nak pergi tandas and everything. As u can see at photo yang i attached on the left side ni, i tulis dekat notes phone setiap masa icha wiwi or pupu together with explanation. if terbabasi siap tulis dalam huruf besar lagi haha.

Even icha terbabas wiwi i tulis jugak. Seriously bila i tengok balik the notes i can flash back the moment and buat i sengih sendiri.

Awal awal dulu if nak pupu.. icha cakap "nak pupu" and terus tinggung at that place before pi tandas. 

Terkejut ibu.. Menjerit dan dan tu jugak. terus i angkat icha yang dalam posisi tinggung tu bawak masuk tandas 😂

Masa early phase, i banyakkkk kali tanya nak pergi tandas ke tidak dekat icha sampai icha rimas. Kesian jugak hehe tapi ibu had to. Kalau terlupa nak tanya memang accident lah jawabnya..

But this phase shall pass dear mommies and daddies! Trust me. Penat tu sat je awal awal..

I do it religiously for one week. then the following week things get easier. Even ada terbabas, icha dah pandai bagitahu bila nak pergi tandas.

Lama lama memang icha sendiri bagitahu bila nak ke tandas and no more accident dah.

Phew, lega 😍

Tips untuk both phase basically sama je.

1. I sediakan potty yang comel
Ni untuk attract icha buang air dekat tandas hehehe. I belikan potty warna pink yang siap ada tangga untuk icha pi tandas sendiri. But of course lah kena teman, kang jatuh kang anak dalam tandas.

2. I make sure icha wiwi/pupu selang sejam.
If taknak let her be. But dalam 2-3 jam if still taknak sila paksa. Macam icha selalunya dia dok ralit main, tu taknak bila ajak pi tandas. But bila paksa mesti ikut eventho muncung hehe. And for sure ada hasil.

3. I make sure icha wiwi/pupu before tidur
WAJIB ye. Kalau tidak mesti akan jadi incident terbabas masa tidur.

4. Minum air 30 mins-1 hour before sleep
Untuk elakkan accident masa tidur. So bila ada time gap, mesti sebelum tidur icha nak wiwi. Then tidur dengan aman tak kira masa tidur siang atau malam. TAPI GUYS, if your kid nak minum air bagi jelah oki? Jangan la tak kasi sampai anak nangis hehe.

5. Support dari orang sekeliling
TERPALING PENTING. Kang u nak kasi anak diapers free, orang keliling dok risau anak u takleh cope with pergi tandas and everything. Susah jugak kan? So explain and keep explain inshaAllah dorang mesti faham. And they will help you ease the diapers free journey 😉

Cuma bila pupu usually icha take time, so icha prefer pakai pampers and wash. Pernah try bagi icha pupu sambil duduk dekat potty dalam tandas, icha emo. Sebab lama sangat plus panas haha. Jadi everytime pupu icha request nak pakai pampers..

I got question bila keluar macamana?

Masa keluar this past week baru I try tak bagi pakai pampers. Dalam this month dekat rumah memang totally no pampers. Keluar pun kalau dekat je I tak kasi pampers. Sebab dok risau icha bocor. Tapi kalau tak cuba macamana icha nak pandai kan? So I rempuh je now hehe. Haritu pergi PD memang whole weekend tak pakai pampers. Cuma kena keep on tanya lah icha nak pergi tandas ke tidak.

But.. Pernah je masa keluar dengan opah tokwan, dua kali terbabas wiwi sebab dok ralit main. Haha.

innovation by opah icha. haha. but seriously you should do it this way. senang kije.

And now, malam malam dah 2 minggu icha diapers free. Bocor tu normal ye ibu ibu bapak bapak sekalian. Sila buat protector dekat tilam siap siap. Opah icha suruh balut tilam dengan plastic. And we did that! Senang kije in case icha accident wiwi hehe.

Yay to us! Icha diapers free before masuk 3 tahun 😊

p/s: i start this journey bila icha mengadu pakai pampers sakit, pedih. so i think this is the best time to let her diapers free. bila tak pakai pampers dah takda dah icha mengadu sakit bambam. Definitely the best move for her too.

Review: Lexis Hibiscus room & price

Hi! Assalamualaikum 💗 

So, last weekend we went to Lexis Hibiscus for our last family holiday for 2019! Yay. Budak paling excited for sure icha sebab tidur hotel is her fav thing to do. Suka sangat dengan hotel sampai ibu confuse haha.

Cara nak check in pun senang je. Since i guna travel agent (nanti i share dekat bawah in details), i need to print out the voucher from the agent and bawak masa check in. No deposit required, and dapat goodies as well upon check in. 

Masha Allah cookies dia, sedap! Tapi dapat satu je haha.

Berebut la makan bertiga. sebab icha boss, icha dapat extra satu. 😝

Selain dari tu, dapat sekali air tin dua. 

Wifi given according to the room. dapat juga complimentary drink which can be redeem sampai tarikh nak check out. Okay lah jugak sebab ada 4 choices, two hot and 2 cold drinks. Since there are three of us, so we got 3 complimentary drinks.

By the way.. Our Premium Pool Villa room located at the petals of the hibiscus flower, jadi kena naik buggy to bring us to our room. nak jalan kaki pun boleh, kalau rajin lah. Haha sebab our room quite far from the lobby. Maybe basah satu badan before sampai bilik 😜

Peak holiday = peak queuing as well.

We need to queue nak pi bilik. Ok lah jugak on the first day we sampai nak tunggu turn naik buggy. Masuk malam sabtu tu dah jem. Lama jugak tunggu turn nak dapat buggy pi bilik. 

Dapat nak buggy terus muka ada sinyummmm..

Apalagiii.. here go our buggy selfie! Abaikan icha sebab icha time ni takmau bergambar dah, dia sibuk nak tengok keliling hehe

Buka je pintu bilik nampak dua katil!

Serious besaq bilik ni. Can accommodate 4-5 adults.

Siap ada bathrobe, complete toiletries, towel, iron, iron board and weighing scale jugak. Icha paling semangat suruh ayah ibu timbang berat masa sampai. Semestinya ibu paling murung tengok berat sendiri. Tapi sat je lah murungnya haha sebab bila nampak makanan semuanya terhapus dari ingatan 😛

Below ada few pictures dalam bilik yang i sempat snap masa i baru sampai.

Makanan at this hotel.. hmm i love their a la carte lunch the most. sebab semua sedap. japanese buffet fall in second place. breakfast buffet on the first day tu biase biase je sebab i makan dekat ballroom tingkat 1. On second day dapat makan dekat coffee house, sedap. Siap dapat nasi lemak bungkus. Tu nanti i cerita on different post ya.

Since I pernah stay at 3 different lexis, I can say Lexis Hibiscus terpaling best in term of pool hehe. Katil besar, shower area besar and kolam pun best sebab open air. Puas hati la si kecik tu mandi setiap masa. Siap taknak makan sebab nak berendam dalam pool je.

Sebenarnya.. this is our first-time using agent for holiday. Like ever. Since wajib guna agent, so we had to guna lah. Everything communicate thru email. At first, I thought with the 3K budget I can go somewhere far. But oh boy, I was wrong haha. Ibu baru berangan nak pi Sabah makan seafood 😜 but sadly sebab guna agent we can go somewhere near je. But jadilah kan from nothing. Bila fikir fikir balik, among 3 LEXIS dekat PD only Lexis Hibiscus belum pernah try. So, we opt for this hotel pulak this time.

Bila I tanya what can I get for my 3K budget, the agent gives me this option below:

Premium Pool Villa: RM 1940.30 nett per room two nights inclusive 2-person breakfast rate.
Meal details:

1. Set / Buffet Lunch          : RM108.00nett per adult, RM54.00nett per child (7-12 years old)
2. Set / Buffet Dinner         : RM120.00nett per adult, RM60.00nett per child (7-12 years old)
3. BBQ Buffet Dinner          : RM142.00nett per adult, RM72.00nett per child (7-12 years old)
4. Japanese Buffet Dinner: RM119.00nett per adult, RM60.00nett per child (7-12 years old

So, I decide and let them know the exact date yang I nak pergi. Since tarikh I pilih tu peak holidays, harga pun naik sikit from the quoted price before.

Room Type    : 01 Premium Pool Villa with Breakfast
Room Rate     : MYR 1045.5 per room per night x 1 room x 2 nights = MYR 2091.00
Meals : BBQ Buffet Dinner, Buffet Lunch, Japanese Buffet Dinner (Total Meals: RM738.00)

With that budget I got all above for Grand Total: RM 2829.00 😊 Please be remind ye harga from agent and website tak sama tau. Jangan emo pulak bila agent quote extra haha. Nak senang you can purchase thru their website. Nak lagi murah, banyak lagi website you can go thru and googled for the best price oki?

Thank you for reading this entry guys! See you next year i guess?

Sunday 22 December 2019

Seoul: Halal Kitchen (near Bukchon Hanok Village)

Assalamualaikum, Halu guys! 💓

Wah wah bila sebut pasal kedai makan je, banyak request suruh i update cepat eh. haha. so here we go, for this post i nak share tempat makan yang i pi right after pulangkan hanbok dekat King Hanbok Gyeongbukgung palace 😊

From Gyeongbukgung Palace tu ambik Exit 5  then turun dekat Anguk Station exit 3 😉 sebab nak easy direction instead of guna phone map, we approach the red people nearby. Orang yang pakai baju merah dekat seoul area seriously membantu! Dorang macam offline google where you can basically ask everything about the area. My husband and i love sangat these people sebab they helped a lot when we travel around Seoul. Tanya je anything they can answer it well! Even if you ada inquiry about halal food pun they can assist which kedai is vege and everything.

So masa we approach these people.. kitorang sebut je halal kitchen terus dorang kata you better hurry sebab they are going to close in 30 mins. settle je dorang bagi direction, sepantas kilat kami laki bini mencari kedai haha. but luckily the direction senang nak ikut and faham. 




Ni lah tangga steep yang kami daki sambil bawak stroller yang icha tengah tido. Perut laponyeeeeee.. Nasib we are their last guess before they close for rest. Phewww 😓 

Kami sampai kedai dalam 10 mins before they closed. Memang satu kelegaan haha. Kalau tak kami terpaksa tunggu another 2 hours which i bet kitorang takkan tunggu sebab dah lapar gila sampai ketaq lutut 😂



Makan panas panas dengan nasi, memang ngam. Eventho tak pedas, rasa ni pun dah cukup

Sedap. sungguh tak tipu. 

Berbaloi la berpeluh tolak stroller, jalan laju dengan turun naik bukit segala. hehe.

Menangis makan (over :p) sebab terlalu sedap. Even husband acknowledge kesedapan bulgogi dia.

Rasanya set yang kami order ni for 2-3 pax, but cukup sangat makan. Kenyangggg siap tambah nasi lagi haha. I tak ingat the exact amount for this dish, sorry 😅

Drools tak tu? haha.

As usual banchan is free flow.

I dont know apa ni, lembut but tasteless.

This one was masam but ada hint of spicy. so husband like it.

KIMCHI IS LIFE. Sedap! Everywhere in seoul semuanya sedap hehe

I heard ramai yang kata the owner handsome kan? so nah, i share sekeping gambar haha. I rasa nama chef ni chef hassan? ke i silap? Every worker dekat sini  tried to speak in Malay tau. Eventho more to Indonesian slang, I amazed! 

Sambil masak sambil explain to use everything on the plate

I yang flashback balik ni pun terasa rasa dekat lidah kesedapan kedai ni. Berbaloi all the sweat and rasa lapar for the sake tunggu nak makan dekat this halal kitchen.😂

I couldn't help you guys with the exact location but you can guna map je to come here. we were mesmerized with the beauty of this area. sebab along the road sangat calm and ada banyak sangat kedai yang cantik! 

My husband siap nak singgah sat before we reach Halal kitchen i tak bagi sebab riso tak dapat makan hahahaha 😝 lepastu bila nak balik ikut jalan lain dah tak jumpa kedai tu. nasib husband ok je haha.

Oh ye! Masa makan tu icha still lena sampai habis kami makan. so kami nak pojang (read;tapau) some for her to eat later. Mati mati kedai ni tak bagi haha. Dorang risau makanan tu basi sebab i suruh sekalikan dengan lauk since they didn't have the right container to put. I cakap takpe campur je, but dorng takmau at first. Last last bila i tak giveup nak pojang dorang bagi jugak finally haha.

So merasala jugak icha makan halal kitchen food. Habis sebekas icha makan even pedas sikit. 

Lepas makan kami pun mencari the right alley for Bukchon Hanok village. Tinggi gila dan curam tangga dia. Ni of of the stairs. ada yang lagi curam tak sempat nak snap photos.

Nasib takda drama icha nak duduk stroller masa ni. She was okay to jalan sendiri naik tangga.. Actually village ni kawasan perumahan. Memang ada orang yang tinggal in this area.. So, you need to keep quiet masa lalu the alley. Nak tunggu tangkap gambar tanpa anyone dalam frame kirim salam jelah sebab ramai gila 😆

Here are few photos along the road.

Lewat petang tu kami round area insadong street (walking distance from Bukchon Hanok village) and we had our dinner dekat veggie restaurant.

Later I share oki 😉

p/s: sebenarnya from Gyeongbukgung palace boleh je walking distance to Bukchon Hanok village but kena ikut exit pintu manatah dalam palace tu. since we were so tired plus hungry, we decided not to waste our time finding which is the right door to exit dalam palace tu. But if you got an extra time and energy you definitely should try walking there. They said cantik jalan nak ke arah Bukchon Hanok Village tu 😀

Thursday 19 December 2019

Seoul: The King Hanbok & Hanbok Experience

Assalamualaikum 💓

So today i nak share tempat pakai hanbok murah dan super cantik dekat seoul. Super cantik for my eyes lah. Sebab mestilah ada yang lagi extra extra cantik but you need to pay extra extra moneyyy hehe. Direction nak sampai to this kedai pun senang sangat. Macam kitorang pergi from Myeongdong station. So we turun at Gyeongbukgung station exit 4. 

Naik tangga pusing belakang nampak kedai ni! 😁

Dari exit 4 ni once you keluar je, pusing belakang terus nama kedai King Hanbok ni sebesar alam. haha takdelah. 😝 you walk dalam 50 m nampak dah kedai ni. i macam teruja betul sebab senang sangat cari kedai ni. so strategik! plus they offered a good price as well. siapa yang tak suka kan? at first i thought nak guna discover seoul pass (DSP) to wear hanbok, but after dengar recommendation from others i tak include this activity dalam DSP. sebab tak worth it, pakai hanbok  murah je. DSP covers banyak lagi places yang mahal mahal for free.  

For first timer you might be a bit pening why ada all this exit but later once you experience it yourself you will be fine. I masa awal awal buat itinerary pun pening kenapa orang dok mention exit exit ni siap pesan jangan salah exit nanti sesat. Bila dah sampai sana baru i faham sebab i experience it hehehehe. so make sure to know which exit you kena ikut masa buat itinerary so later you tak blur nak ikut which exit. Oki?

9900 W for 4 hours! including accessory ;)

Usually i google they said 10K won for 3/4 hours gitu tak silap. So i think this is definitely a good bargain sebab sekali accessory. Ah yea! Sebelum lupa.. they will help you to wear this hanbok. sebab ada layered of clothes kena pakai. if blur macam i pun takpe sebab nanti they will do the mix and match for you. i cuma request for pastel pink hanbok juseyo hehe.

Teka la siapa paling happy?

Mestilah icha! Paling awal tukar baju and seriously nasib baik ada satu je lagi hanbok kids warna pastel yang tinggal. so merasa lah si kecik melaram ala princess haha. But datang awal tau. Lambat lambat, habis dah all good choices. Baju icha tu memang ada satu je last size tu. Baju i dengan husband pulak for that color yang we nak memang ada satu, so nasib baik lah. kitorng tak rajin nak pi tawaf kedai lain to be honest 😆

Big smile sebab happy pakai baju princess

Us dekat photobooth sebelah kedai, sebagai kenangan hehe. Harga 3900 won tu for one hour.

Icha siap nak buat rambut lagi dekat kedai hanbok ni but sadly ramai sangat orang. kitorang rasa rugi pulak nak buang masa kena beratur panjang for hair braiding services. At first icha takmau keluar dari kedai. sedih beno muka bila tak dapat dandan rambut. ibu pun gunakan skill ibu dandan rambut icha. jadiklahhhh asal nampak macam ikat kan? 😛

nampak kan rambut icha "kemas" ibu ikat? haha asalkan icha dah boleh senyum kira approved lah tu. 

Kena jalan dalam 150 m dari kedai. Tak jauh pun plus cuaca pagi pagi masa ni sejukkkkk.

Kebetulan sampai ada entrance ceremony. So dapatlah tengok sekejap before tangkap gambar with their "grumpy" guard. hehe.

Lepas dah masuk, i suddenly remember about my draft yang i kena submit on that day. haha. Sambil i buat kerja kejap, my hubs and icha layan diri sendiri. Here are some photos taken by my husband while waiting.

Random girl group photos.

Icha's pout

Gambar beg pun jadi eh bang? 😆

After i drag masa dalam 20 minutes, we went into the palace. haha. sorry baby ibu. Disebabkan kami dah pakai hanbok, we dont have to pay for the entrance fee. Kalau u tak pakai hanbok, kena bayar entrance fee oki?

We asked strangers to take our photos.

Cantik kan? Love sangat gambar ni.

We were mesmerised with everything. kalau boleh dekat semua tempat nak bergambar. So here are some photos of icha dalam palace.

Icha with flowers

Baby ibu smileee

No smile sebab nak main batu

Okay dah boleh smileeee

We play tourist dekat bahagian depan palace ni je even we knew the palace was big. Kami cuma round area depan je. Kebetulan masa ni takdelah sejuk mana lagi, so a bit tak selesa pakai baju dua lapis (hanbok pakai dekat luar, baju sendiri dekat dalam) lama lama sangat. Mula mula memang sejuk, dah tengahari tu start rasa panas haha. We took few pictures around the palace sebab we rushed to eat somewhere on that day haha.

Here are some photos. Taken differently.






So siapa tangkap paling cantik? 😝

But all in all, we treasure this moment. Luckily my husband pun sama sporting nak pakai hanbok lelaki. dapatla sedondon one family pakai pink on that day. 

Kira apa tu? 

One of my 2019 best moment for sure. Alhamdulillah..

But i got banyak soalan from my friend on IG, bagusnya icha tak cranky. Hehehehe icha cranky gais. Macam ajaib pulak tak cranky.

Masa pi palace ni pun siap nangis lagi sebab cari elsa tak jumpa. 

Ibu membebel part i

Ibu membebel part ii

Cukup la dua keping je ibu tunjuk. Hahah.

Gambar dekat bawah ni berhenti nangis sat and cari port main batu and bukak accessory kepala.

We are totally not the chill parents. 😂 kena jugak marah si kecik ni bila dah pujuk tak layan haha. but we tag team lah. kadang i emo husband pujuk icha or the other way round. not okay untuk dua dua sekali emo, sebab icha akan jadi way wayyyy emo. hehe.

Last emo episode sebab nak pulangkan hanbok. Sedih pulak video ni.

Even round kawasan depan palace je, tapi bila tengok jam eh eh tak lama dah nak pulangkan baju. We decided to cafe hopping sekejap sebelum pulangkan baju then only go to bukchon hanok village for the famous kedai makan.

So... sedap ke kedai makan tu?

Later i share oki! 😍