Sunday 15 March 2020

How do you teach your kids about their private part?


(Disclaimer: Do not read if you are not here to help oki?)

I feel the need of writing this and I really need your help as well. Can u please spare some honest opinion after you read this entry please?

Semalam masa I mandikan icha, icha suddenly cakap macamni
“icha kena basuh p***k, kalau tak busuk ibu ida kata”

……and my jaws dropped.

Lepas siapkan icha, terus I whatsapp husband.

-----and he was shocked as well.

Never in my life I teach her that word. 

I use bunga and bum bum instead the real word, and I use wiwi (as in : buang air kecil) and pupu (as in: buang air besar) too.

But recently, she started to use “kencing” and “berak”. I don’t favor those words eventho tu ayat sebetulnya haha. kadang kadang she use pupu and wiwi jugak.  But since there was nothing wrong with that word, I just let it go.

Bila semalam icha start guna p***k referring to her private part, it slaps me. I definitely don’t like that word, and for me ayat tu tak proper langsung. I tak marahkan pengasuh icha pun. Different people different approach in teaching their kids, sama macam i jugak. Bukan salah icha jugak cakap macamtu sebab she know nothing kan?

Kitorang over sangat ke.. I don’t know... maybe just me who felt it that way. Am I not the chill mom? Am I overthink? Someone pls. Can u help me here?

When is the right time you teach your kids about their private part?
And you normally called it as?
Does your kid follow? 
Or did they ask banyak soalan sampai u sendiri tak boleh nak jawab?

Thank you in advance! 

If you feel tak syok drop comment here, you can PM me on FB or DM me dekat instagram πŸ˜‰

Thursday 5 March 2020

Review: Red Card cafΓ©, Bangi

Assalamualaikum πŸ’—

Harini nak share kedai makan sedap area bangi pulak 😊 we managed to give it a try last month during our anniversary dinner. Disebabkan kena dengan selera, I thought of sharing this place with you guys. Kitorang pernah makan dekat kedai ni lamaaaaaaaaaa dah during our undergrad years. Makan sekali dengan kawan kawan sambut birthday ke JJCM. Lupa pulak hehe. But masa tu pun memang sedap dah.. 

Sebenarnya I ajak husband makan kedai lain, tp on the day itself I tetiba teringat red card. Terus bgtau husband kite change eh makan red card πŸ˜‹ luckily husband booked sebelum datang sini. Sebab when we arrived around 8pm kedai start penuh dengan customer. Deco dalam kedai pun dah totally berbeza dari dulu, makin cantik!

Sampai sampai they bought us dekat table yang we booked, terus we order sebab risau waiting time lama sebab ramai orang. Sebab we were hungrehhhhhh aha

Nak tahu kitorang order apa?

1. Mac and cheese

Happy baby with her fav food

Untuk bos kenit yang wajib makan pasta tak kira masa. Portion tak besar sangat but not too small as well. Okay lah, puas hati makan. Sedap jugak.


2. Mix platter

Consist of lamb, meat and quarter chicken. With potatoes, gravy and broccoli. Untuk meat tu we should order medium rare instead of well done. Sebenarnya memang nak order medium rare lepastu adik tu kata dekat my husband “betul ke bang? Sebab tak masak betul tu”, terus kitorang contemplate and cancel hahahah. Hasilnya makan daging liat sikit. But the flavour is there. Ayam dia lembutttt gila. Semua sedap.. 

RM 58.00/ plate

3. Crème brule

Ordered one dessert as a symbol of anniversary 😝 we asked the waiter untuk letak lilin. Suddenly icha nyanyi lagu birthday untuk diri sendiri pulak hahaha. Sedap gila ya. My husband and I dapat rasa sikit je sebab icha suka beno dessert ni. Habis icha makan.


4. Watermelon mint lychee

Selalunya kalau pi kedai I akan order air nipis.. Do you get what I mean? Haha. I akan order air yang thirst quenching and tak buat I cepat kenyang. so this drink is definitely a good choice for me hehe. Sedap!

Rm 7/glass

You can give it a try here as well! Taklah murah ya. Nak kata mahal gila pun tak.. if u ask me, I will eat during special occasion ajelah walaupun sedap hehe. Selamat mencuba guys! Jangan lupa book before datang oki 😊

Waze: Red card cafΓ©, Bangi
Alamat penuh: 7 & 18, Jalan Medan Pusat Bandar 4A, Seksyen 9, 43650 Bandar Baru Bangi, Selangor
Phone: 03-8912 6849