Wednesday 22 April 2015

kawin awal, salah ke?

Salam alaykum

Last few days marks our second monthsarry for our marriage life.. long journey to go i know. but i am happy with what i choose basically about my new journey.

Baru-baru ni kite hadap dua situasi which is about the negative feedback regarding early marriage. well, i am one of the couple who got married quite early and still studying as the bonus point for people to point their fingers at me and husband saying that we both are not ready enough for this new phase. hmmm, at first kite malas nak take things seriously and thought that they just want to say that for fun. dengan niat nak mengusik, but if they keep repeating the same thing over and over again what do you think?

dan, tambahan kepada tu. my husband and i both nak sambung master. we both target for it even before we got married. last few weeks, ada perjumpaan dengan budak final semester regarding to pursue master or not. and the lecturer saying about married thinggy. dia kata, maybe some of the sv don't take people yang dah kawin as a master student. and... kite macam what? orang yang dah kawin memang hilang hak nak sambung belajar ke? sobs. i know, some of the lecturer taknak ambik risiko dengan student yang dah kahwin sebab takut they are a bit more emosional kalau gaduh with their spouse.. but still, it is not a brilliant idea to discriminate couple who already got married to pursue their studies.

this case happened recently. i attended one program that teach us how to be ready with the real world etc. and one slot giving tips about facing the interviewer. one of the classmate said that me and hubs already married to the facilitator when she say to hubs that susahla nanti nak cari girlfriend (bila whole class know that me and hubs already married they keep teasing us with that married word, kite tak kisah infact im a proud married woman) the facilitator mula cakap pasal all predicted question the interviewer akan tanya and suddenly jump to part yang orang kahwin a bit susah nak dapat kerja. for example if the company want to relocate us to some other places. and again, kite macam *^^%*&,  ya, kite tahu married couple mestila nak live together, tapi takkan peluang bekerja pun kena sekat jugak untuk young couple like us? tsk tsk, pujuk diri sendiri untuk jadi positif.

Hadis ini diriwayatkan dengan lafaz:
" أيما شاب تزوج في حداثة سنه عج شيطانه: يا ويله يا ويله عصم مني دينه "
Maksudnya: Mana-mana pemuda yang berkahwin pada awal umurnya maka menjeritlah syaitan (dengan berkata): celaka dia, celaka dia. Terpelihara daripadaku agamanya. Hadis ini diriwayatkan dari Jabir bin Abdullah dari jalur Salih Maula al-Tau'amah. 

my hubs being him will comfort me. we get married early because this is our path. we choose it, our both families encourage us to do so, we live happily plus we get pahala with it. kite yakin, kawin awal banyak kebaikan dari keburukan. dan to this point, kite happy bila orang terdekat sentiasa ada untuk support kite dan suami. takda salah kawin masa belajar, infact this is a good way. more pahala kan? :) even my both parents seriously sangat supportive, kite happy sebab diorang sentiasa ada untuk kite dengan suami. i believe things happen for a reason and biasala kalau dalam apa yang kita buat mesti ada yang tak setuju :)

Rasulullah bersabda 
"Wahai para pemuda, sesiapa di antara kamu yang mampu memikul tanggungjawab perkahwinan, hendaklah dia kahwin. Sesungguhnya perkahwinan itu menahan pandangan dan memelihara kemaluan (kesucian). Bagi sesiapa yang tidak mampu (berkahwin) maka hendaklah dia berpuasa, kerana puasa itu dapat menahan nafsunya" 
(H.R.Bukhari & Muslim)

if people come and ask me, are you happy to be married? and i said, of course i am happy. who doesn't right? :)

till then!