Thursday 7 September 2017

Review: Minyak telon best untuk baby


Here are my reviews for TWO types of 'minyak telon' that i use for my baby daughter.

1. Tropika baby herbal cream (shopee link:

the outer packaging for this product. 

Dalam: warna krim herba tropika. If baru bukak usually the content is full. :)

It claims that this products are able to treats & prevent phlegm, cough, stomach ache & prevent wind. It promotes babies to burp after nursing. Best natural remedy for colic in baby. This remedy contains important natural ingredients that encourage release of trapped gas and promote better night time sleep. Made only from natural ingredients with Virgin Coconut Oil, Eucalyptus Oil, Ginger & Tropical Herbs Reduce respiratory problems such as wheezing, Reduce "snoring".


Totally helps for colic prevention! My baby so far memang tak pernah colic since the first day she was born. I used it religiously since the first day of her life. Rub gently around her stomach, foots, her back area and head. Until today i still use this for my baby. Kadang kadang tu sambil sapu dekat Sofia, terus dia totot (read: kentut) 😅 Super jimat, as for now i only use 5 tubs of this tropika cream. For me, i can say that it is quite a bargain, no? and paling best sebab tak melekit!

So far for about 7 months + i use this product, i could not find any bad impressions of it 😌 so i guess, good product?

Price range within RM 35.00.

2. Minyak BeBe Anugerah (shopee link:

The outer packaging :)

The oil is in purple colour. Tak nampak sangat from this picture.

It claims that this products able to warm the baby body, moisture the baby skin. It helps to prevent baby from cold, colic. Made from lemongrass, eucalyptus oil, galangal, mint and kaffir lime. Helps the baby to sleep at ease at night.


Super love the smell! Calming ok bau minyak ni. My husband terpaling suka the smell. So, normally we use two types of 'minyak telon' everytime after sofia take her shower. Same as tropika, we rub gently around the same area. But there is times where we put it all over her body because of the smell :p

Sometimes i can feel the bottle become quite oily (maybe because i did not close the cap tight enough?). And minyak ni bila dah sapu quite oily, but since i love the smell maybe i can still accept it hehe. Other than that, i didn't have anything to complain about this product.

Price range within RM 13 - RM 15


I ada guna minyak yuyi for my baby as well. But since i did not use it frequently like these two products above, i cannot give my review in details. But all i can say that, all this three products suits my baby. Alhamdulillah, since my baby was born, she never had colic nor facing any difficulties to sleep at night. My baby sleeps throughout the night since she was 2 months + old (except when she wants her milk, where i can simply know from the thumb-sucking noise 😂)

So, which one of these products that u use for your baby? Or u guys ada guna any produk yang best please share with me okies? ;)

p/s: baca entri ni untuk senarai barang keperluan bayi selepas mandi oki?

1 comment:

AmaninaShafee said...

Ameena pun pakai krim herbal tropika, untuk rambut pulak pakai minyak tropika(al maklum lah rambut ameena tumbuh tengah aje haha) ...