Sunday 31 May 2020

CSR collaboration project with Ayam Brand #AyamWithYou

Assalamualaikum! 💗

This is my very first time involved in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) project. When Ayam Brand approach me for this project, I am thrilled. Even mula mula I’m a bit scared as I need to cook for 35 pax! Pheww ketaq lutut. Haha. 

The first person I asked was my husband.. 

Can I do it? 
Macamana kalau I tak sempat masak on that day untuk hantar? 

Thousands of questions. But at the same time nakkk! 
Woman guys.. complicated as always 😜

I instantly said spaghetti when they asked me the menu. At first I ingat nak buat satu kuah je, but my husband suggest buat two different gravy. He said, maybe some of the kids there yang tak suka bolognese can opt for carbonara. I pun onz je sebab bahan for both gravy pun lebih kurang.

My husband and I mula masak around 8+ am yesterday. We settled everything around 11 am. It was chaos surely. Dengan icha nakkan perhatian, merengek nak ayah ibu teman dia main. Menguji betul haha. mula masak tu icha tolong jugak but towards the end prepping tu, bila mata makin pedih dengan bawang icha bebai. Haha. sabo jelah. Icha nak tolong jaga sausage je (tolong makan je ni).

Yesterday's menu 😄

bolognese with loads of cheese

carbonara with chicken and beef pepperoni slice.

Icha pun tahu ibu masak untuk kawan kawan icha. Mula mula I told her we are going to do charity. Ibu nak made some food for a charity home.. tapi icha tak faham. When I told her, kids there takda parents pun icha tak faham. So I told her kids at Pusat Jagaan Kasih Murni sebaya icha. All of them are icha’s new friends. Baru dia faham.. excited sangat nak jumpa new friends. But I told her we can only deliver our foods, we can’t meet them sebab COVID. Luckily, she understood. InshaAllah with god willing maybe we can visit them at some other time.

We reach Pusat Jagaan Kasih Murni around 1pm yesterday.  After we delivered the meal, we left. There is NO any event at the charity home due to current situation. I believe that was the best decision. I hope everyone enjoyed yesterday’s meal!

proud makcik kantin!

Nak tahu apa lagi bermakna?
This... 😭

Definitely a precious experience.

p/s: Nak tahu tak apa jadi when I was so busy memasak semalam? Tunggu I update new entri oki haha.

@ayambrandmy-#ayambrandmy #ayambrandmy #AyamBersamaMu #AyamWithYou #kitajagakita

Thursday 28 May 2020

Raya 2020 versi PKP

Assalamualaikum 💗

Its already the 5th day of Syawal. I rasa raya tahun ni lama betul padahal baru raya kelima haha. Ni semua sebab beraya tanpa big families la niiiii, emosi bersepah sana sini. Sampai takut orang nak tegur weh. Perangai sungguh la hang ni 😅

Kitorang pagi raya baru gerak pi rumah mak cik dekat semenyih. Sampai sampai tu keluarga makcik dekat porch baru nak tangkap gambar raya. Kite cadangnya nak buat lawak la konon. Tahu tak kite cakap apa?

“Assalamualaikum, kami datang nak menumpang kasih – dalam nada happy gila"
(if you know me you surely can imagine tone suara kite masa ni macamana)



Tiba tiba….

Sebak pulak dadaku! Hahahahaha adudu sungguh.

Nak lawan sedih tu, kite pun dok buat sibuk la tangkap gambaq family makcik. Mulut bising cam beshe even dalam hati tu dah bergelora macam apa dah hahaha. 

Dapat jumpa along klong kakak adik on first raya. Even sekejap ok lah, dari tak jumpa. Kitorang ingat nak pergi rumah along one the 2nd and 3rd raya tapi takut gila. So duduk jela rumah diam diam tengok drama.

Definitely taknak rasa this kind of raya dah..
Sedih yang takleh nak habaq rasa dia macamana

Anyway, Salam Lebaran everyone!
Yang rasa ada buat salah tu datang la mintak maaf dekat kite ok, lama dah tunggu ni.

p/s: Yang pi beraya dengan kawan kawan siap bangga up story tu, hang memang ketegaq sungguh la.😡

Thursday 21 May 2020

Selamat ulangtahun kelahiran suami!

Assalamualaikum, hi guys! 💗

Sebab harini birthday suami kite, im here to dedicate one special entry for him

But.. don’t worry. This is not the lovey dovey cheesy kinda entry oki. Hehe.


Thankyou for being with me, even after I show u my true colors
And to make it extra.. our daughter copied almost all of my weirdness

When everyone think we are the cool couple, we are actually the normal type of couple.
We fought for silly things for sure.
A lot i can say hahahha.

Kenapa sabun pinggan tak banyak. 
Kenapa tak perah baju elok elok. 
Kenapa selak langsir besar sangat
Kenapa tangkap gambar senget
Kenapa makan tumpah

All those kinda things.

As if it was a big issue.
At least I think it that way haha.

To many more years of being annoyed to each other
Oh! And to be more patient with each other weirdness (I mean my weirdness lah 😆)

p/s: dah kenapa macam anniversary wish ni? haha ahhhh abaikan 😝

Tuesday 19 May 2020

Say Hello to our new pet 😊

Assalamualaikum, Hi guys! 💗

Meet Ibuchik (white) and acu (black)! But icha panggil hitam/ putih jugak. Black/white pun ada jugak. Mesti piggy confuse. Icha address herself as kak icha ok. Ayah ibu pun kena panggil kak icha bila main dengan piggy. Kalau tak dia emo, muncung sedepa gais. Haha

Decision nak bela pet definitely come out of the blue. Seriously. mula mula sebut sebut je sebab macam tak sure. Last week Thursday husband beli barang buat cage, lusanya 15/5/2020 piggy sampai..

My husband and I kesian kan icha sebab icha sunyi takda kawan dekat rumah. Call ibuchik acu icha nangeh nangeh merintih bagitahu rindu. Macam tengok drama bila anak sendiri nangis to that extend. Tengok cat rumah tokwan lagi kuat melalak. Adudu. Sebak pulakkk..😢

I was contemplating whether to pet the piggy or not. Afraid that I (we) made a wrong decision. Afraid juga if we can’t commit to it.

But bila tengok icha nangis sampai sembab mata dari taknak bela pet terus cair bagi icha bela sebab kesian. Husband kata nak bela cat ke? Terus I kata taknak sebab I bukan sejenis rajin basuh poop yang pelbagai tekstur itu haha. Its either hamster, piggy ataupun rabbit. Sebab I pernah bela hamster dengan rabbit masa kecik.. so, I opt for piggy pulak this time around.

Preparation nak bela macam nak sambut anak eh. Semua kena beli. From food, poop bowl, bekas air, fleece 4 keping, cage.

Both piggy are boars (male). 
Ramai tanya kenapa tak ambik sepasang? 

Because we are not ready for the piggy family to grow! Haha. Cant imagine if we have too many piggy.. so as a start, two boars definitely the best idea. Bila kami dah pandai jaga, dah boleh dukung piggy maybe we can think that mating phase pula. But not now. That’s for sure.

oh lupa!

let me share icha's reaction bila dapat tahu she will pet the piggy pula.

She is definitely over the moon sebab terlalu happy. ibu takut nak pegang. icha pun sama but she tried guys! Bila suap makan piggy datang dekat. icha nak sangat dukung. sorry cha, ibu takut nak angkat hahahaha. Piggy asyik terkejut, ibu sekali terkejut. frust si kecik tu! haha. Wish us luck I guess? 😅

Thursday 14 May 2020

Refund from Agoda sebab COVID-19. Dapat tak?

Assalamualaikum, hai guys! 💗

Harini nak share sikit my experience untuk process refund from Agoda. As everyone know.. Agoda, mostly memang takda refund/ cancellation allowed once kita dah booked and buat payment unless stated otherwise. Masa booked awal tahun haritu untuk trip dengan kawan kawan ni.. tak jadi lagi outbreak COVID 19, maka dengan konfiden pi booked dekat AGODA weh. Selalu I booked guna booking je. 

Nak jadi cerita la kot kan? Hehe.

Hari berganti hari
Bulan berganti bulan
Outbreak masih belum subside.
Even now dah phase semua orang pandai berjaga jaga, perasaan takut nak pi bercuti tu memang menebal.

Nyawa ada satu ni ja uiiiii

So.. Tanya la kawan yang nak pi sekali trip nanti pelbagai persoalan. Siap kawan kata asal boleh tunda tahun depan dah onz dah. Lagi sorang pulak kata.. Tahun depan kita pi jauh sikit la (amboi haha). Tapi kalau burn sebab TnC dah tulis awai awai kata tak boleh cancel nak buat macamana. Bedak (read: bahagi. Read as bay-duck haha) la sorang sikit bayar percutian yang tak menjadi tu haha. Bila fikir macamtu, terus live chat dengan live agent Agoda. Baik gila ok live agent tu, lepas je chat after few minutes terus dapat email. Tengok bawah ni.

After few days dapat email lagi


Stop kejap jantung baca email laguni. Melayang la hampir RM 800 even tak bercuti. 😨

So I balas balik..

Sedikit emo eh, hahahahaha. 😝
After berbalas email for few times, I finally got the email as below

Happy gilaaaa! 
Finally dapat refund, siap dah masuk account pun :’)

My refund process tak sampai 2 minggu dah settle tau. Senang kan?

p/s: Customer service Agoda sangat helpful. I love how they entertain their customer. Even though their policy stated yang memang tak boleh refund, but due to the outbreak they loosen their tnc a bit. Surely, it’s a loss for the company.. But with this kind of service, I will definitely come back in the near future!

Friday 1 May 2020

Kenangan Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan (PKP)

Assalamualaikum 💗

Masuk harini dah 45 hari rakyat Malaysia jalani PKP.

So, how was it?

I am lucky sebab dekat my hometown. My 40 days gone thru in s blink of an eye. Dari memasak, menjahit, buat aktiviti dekat icha. I even made an album dekat facebook about PKP. One day, this will be a memory. 

A good one 
...and a bad one too.

Banyak sangat perubahan.

Ada yang kena buang kerja
Ada yang gembira dapat luangkan masa dengan family
Ada yang stuck dari jumpa family
and recently announcement tak boleh balik beraya.

Sedih.. i felt the same way too.

Sebab im going to start working real soon.
For 2020, we will be celebrating raya just the 3 of us, far from our family.

Semoga everything will be fine.

Icha pun tak berani keluar rumah.

Icha kata ada virus ibu!
ibu tanya.. virus apa? 
Icha jawab: Covid 19!

hehe sengih ibu dengar jawapan icha.

Semoa kita sama sama jaga kita oki aunticles?

Salam ramadan everyone!