Tuesday, 19 May 2020

Say Hello to our new pet 😊

Assalamualaikum, Hi guys! 💗

Meet Ibuchik (white) and acu (black)! But icha panggil hitam/ putih jugak. Black/white pun ada jugak. Mesti piggy confuse. Icha address herself as kak icha ok. Ayah ibu pun kena panggil kak icha bila main dengan piggy. Kalau tak dia emo, muncung sedepa gais. Haha

Decision nak bela pet definitely come out of the blue. Seriously. mula mula sebut sebut je sebab macam tak sure. Last week Thursday husband beli barang buat cage, lusanya 15/5/2020 piggy sampai..

My husband and I kesian kan icha sebab icha sunyi takda kawan dekat rumah. Call ibuchik acu icha nangeh nangeh merintih bagitahu rindu. Macam tengok drama bila anak sendiri nangis to that extend. Tengok cat rumah tokwan lagi kuat melalak. Adudu. Sebak pulakkk..😢

I was contemplating whether to pet the piggy or not. Afraid that I (we) made a wrong decision. Afraid juga if we can’t commit to it.

But bila tengok icha nangis sampai sembab mata dari taknak bela pet terus cair bagi icha bela sebab kesian. Husband kata nak bela cat ke? Terus I kata taknak sebab I bukan sejenis rajin basuh poop yang pelbagai tekstur itu haha. Its either hamster, piggy ataupun rabbit. Sebab I pernah bela hamster dengan rabbit masa kecik.. so, I opt for piggy pulak this time around.

Preparation nak bela macam nak sambut anak eh. Semua kena beli. From food, poop bowl, bekas air, fleece 4 keping, cage.

Both piggy are boars (male). 
Ramai tanya kenapa tak ambik sepasang? 

Because we are not ready for the piggy family to grow! Haha. Cant imagine if we have too many piggy.. so as a start, two boars definitely the best idea. Bila kami dah pandai jaga, dah boleh dukung piggy maybe we can think that mating phase pula. But not now. That’s for sure.

oh lupa!

let me share icha's reaction bila dapat tahu she will pet the piggy pula.

She is definitely over the moon sebab terlalu happy. ibu takut nak pegang. icha pun sama but she tried guys! Bila suap makan piggy datang dekat. icha nak sangat dukung. sorry cha, ibu takut nak angkat hahahaha. Piggy asyik terkejut, ibu sekali terkejut. frust si kecik tu! haha. Wish us luck I guess? 😅

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