Tuesday 21 January 2020

Aleesa Sofia dah 3 tahun

Assalamualaikum πŸ’—

Selamat Ulangtahun Kelahiran ke 3 Aleesa Sofia!
Sentiasa jadi penghibur ibu oki?

Progress icha dah masuk 3 tahun:

BF free
Diapers free
Can listen to instructions
Communicate well. 

I highlight sekali communicate well sebab icha langsung tak pelat dari kecik. I memang ajar icha cakap elok elok bukan "boleh jadi boyeh", "makan jadi matan" or whatever it is. Sebab i easily annoyed. haha. sabar jela icha dapat ibu macam i πŸ˜‚ but sebab i ajar macamtu icha cakap each word bulat bulat. Takda pelat at all. yay!

By the way..

Dah pandai jugak request ye ini anak kecil.

Teka la apa icha request sampai i dengan husband terdiam? πŸ˜†

p/s: setiap kali birthday icha i memang akan buat sesi throwback with husband. haha. this time around kitorang throwback steamboat session 3 tahun lepas yang i dok sibuk kira contraction. terus makan steamboat jugak last saturday. Anniversary contraction gittew πŸ˜›

Thursday 16 January 2020

Icha demam

Assalamualaikum πŸ’—

Harini ibu mellow sikit sebab icha demam and i couldn't be with her. 

Never leave her before kalau icha sakit, so this moment definitely breaks my heart. I taktau nak explain macamana, but my heart sank. Paling sedih masa adik I singgah office sat semalam untuk ambik icha punya mykid. Icha adaa sekali masatu, terbaring dekat belakang. Bila icha nampak I dia terus cebik. Then nangis nangis nak ibu. When I said that I gotta work, she cried louder. Aaaaa sedihnyaaa this feeling ☹

Icha is an easy baby dari kecik lagi. 

Nangis for susu, pampers macam tu je. Tak pernah nangis for no solid reason. But surely akan menjerit lah if dah lapo sangat but ibu lena tidur tak susukan haha. tapi janganle silap faham pulak, easy tak bermaksud tak penat. Jaga newborn memang penat ye. Dia nangis kite sama nak ikut nangis.  tambah lagi kalau baru beberapa hari tu. dengan sakit kena jahit, nak belajo menyusu baby.  every 2 hours bangun bagi susu huhuhu. Adudu both kite dengan husband sama sama zombie. Tu kena ada masa bertenang before fikir for adik icha. Before kena start balik that routine.

Penattttttttttt πŸ˜…

Eh eh terbabas dah ni.


Sebenarnya nak cakap last icha demam teruk last year bulan 4. Right after balik dari singapore. Demam yang super teruk package cherry berry dengan muntah yang maha dasyat. Ni nak tunjukkan memang beno teruk lah ni, dapat bayang tak tu 😝 dah siap masuk air semua sebab dehydration. slowly after 2 weeks baru nampak senyuman icha balik. Masa ni rasa happy sampai nak nangis. sebab sebak.. lama sangat icha sakit.

This time around taklah teruk macam last year Semalam ambik darah dr kata jangkitan kuman. Dr dah bagi ubat sekali antibiotik. Lega sikit. Tambah lagi sekarang musim influenza.

Cuma that guilty feeling tu...


Untuk semua yang baca entri ni mohon selit doa untuk icha tau?

Sunday 12 January 2020

JJCM: Botanica + Co, Bangsar


December last year (macamkan lama sangat kan 😝) we went to this restaurant for early birthday celebration for tokwan and icha. Since that was the only time yang ok, we decide to celebrate their advance birthday. Birthday tokwan dengan icha pun selang sehari je (18 & 19/1), so ayuhle sambut sekali senang hehe

Selamat 57 tahun dan 3 tahun! 

We came on 25th which was on Christmas day.

Masa ni tak register in mind yang cafΓ© mesti full with customers. We walked there confidently dengan perasaan mesti ada meja. 

Guess what? Sampai sana penuhhhhh with customers. Husband tanya ada buat booking tak, I geleng nervously. πŸ˜‚ Adoi.. so I bravely asked the worker is there any possibility to squeeze us in?  He asked me back whether we can finish eating by 8 pm? I tengok jam ada lagi sejam for us to order and eat. We agreed and he let us in. nasib baik. I insisted nak dine in there sebab we got RM400 vouchers. Kalau idak, maybe kitorang makan mamak je that day. Haha.

We got our seat, the waiter gave us the menu. Rambang mata nak choose sebab the menu selection banyakkkk. Hehe.

Jum I share gambar makanan on that day 😊

The Bo+Co truflle friens RM 28

Ni adalah entree. we bought this one for the sake nak cukupkan the voucher amount. Ok lah, nothing special. hehehe.

The Gentlemen pizza RM 41

Since this is the first few to arrive, everyone taste it. sedap.. but i prefer it to be cheesier lah. the more the merrier (i talk about the cheese! haha) sebab i hantu cheese. but this one okay dah sebenarnya 😊

Churros Donut stack RM 19

Wei! this is too goodddddddd! i suka gila. berebut kitorang makan. churros dia lembut ya rabbi. im not lying. filled with cream in the middle. memang puas hati order this one. semua sukaaaaa! my mom even ate the cream alone sebab all the churros dah gone hehe. if my mom like it, i can say memang sedap rasa dia.

Banana crumble RM 23

Everyone loves it. Usually i heard about apple crumble, never banana. So we thought nak cuba lah makan. Nasib memang sedap, definitely to our liking!

Christmas edition RM198 (menu ni ada on christmas eve je)

This two plate dalam gambar above comes together. MashaAllah portion dia memang besar ya. Tak habis makan sebab ordered way too much haha. But sedaplah.. turkey tu dia stuff with veggies and everything, so its not too dry. Lamb to dia masak medium rare, memang husband i tersenyum kesukaan sebab thats his fav.

Prawn and Mussel Bucatini RM49

Ni memang sedap ya. At first adik i ordered for herself. i tak pick this one sebab dia tak tulis carbonara haha. SO bila menu ni sampai, adik i bagi icha rasa sikit.. Once icha dah rasa, she loves it. So instantly this plate become hers πŸ˜‚ i rasa a bit, and i like it. not to cheesy and tak muak langsung makan.

The Ultimate Steak Sandwich RM 38

But tak sempat jamah ya, tapao bawak balik. because everyone were too full on that night hehe. Bila makan on the next day dah tak sedap sangat, so i think u need to eat it on the same day, if not rugi like us 😒

Hainanese chickne rice RM 37

This one my dad yang pilih. He said everything on the plate were sedap. My dad gives everyone rasa, and everyone kata sedap. Adik I siap berjoget sebab ayam dia lembut dan sedap okay?!! Haha.

Watermelon lychee mint RM 17

The only drink yang we ambik that night. Okay lah, sedap. everyone berebut nak rasa air ni haha.

The waiter served us well that night. apa yang direquest semua dapat. Air masak dekat sini free flow ya, if dah habis just call the waiter and they will refill your glass. 

I request nak letak lilin atas dessert sebab nak celebrate birthday kan.. They did extraaaa guys. siap pasang lagu and sang along the birthday song. love it!

This restaurant memang cosy for lepak and chill with family and friends
The price wise pulak for me a bit expensive except for the churros stack!
The waiters were all helpful during our visits
Makanan pulak all were sedap and good! presentation pun cantikkkk 😻

Maybe because it was Christmas day, they put and lit the firework candle on this plate weh. Tergamam icha tengok bunga api sedekat itu hehe.  Maka we repeat the birthday song again! If you see this video sampai hujung, you can see icha gigih nak tiup the firework candle bagi terpadam. Kelako wehhhh haha. Terpejam pejam matanya demi nak padamkan api tu.

p/s: luckily we came a bit early, dapatlah masuk and makan. On the way keluar dari kedai, beratur panjang orang nak masuk. fuh.

Sunday 5 January 2020

Japanese buffet dinner at Umi Japanese Restaurant Lexis Hibiscus

Salam isnin everyone! πŸ’—

Harini I nak share my experience makan Japanese buffet dinner during our stay. Among three of us, I lah paling puas hati makan hehe. Sebab my husband allergic to seafood, icha pulak tidur lena. I kejut bangun banyak kali siap calit makanan dekat mulut pun still lena. πŸ˜…

Best betui makan bila udang pun husband tolong kupaskan. Benda tu buat makanan jadi extra sedap! Haha. kebetulan masa icha lena I tengah dukung. So memang sepanjang buffet tu I tak bergerak langsung lah ceritanya.

Husband yang bangun duduk berulang kali untuk ambik makanan i. masheh yang. mihihi. πŸ˜‹


Sedap dan sangat berbaloi.


This one you can choose nak chef tolong grill apa for you. Ada banyak ingredients u choose from to put at your own plate. Nanti dah siap masak u can take it and eat it. Best kan? For first round husband I ambik ayam, udang and veggies. I pelik sebab sedap nak mati rasanya. Nampak hiperbola kan? Tapi sungguh sedap! 😜

Wajib ada lah kan everytime makan japanese?

I suka jugak ni, but i love to eat it this way. Tanpa sebarang sos or wasabi sebab tak boleh nak telan with any dipping sauce hehehe. Banyak pilihan! Serious rambang mata.

I taktau the exact name of this dish.

Nak kata mee soba pun bukan, nak kata miso sup pun i taktau the exact miso sup hehe. All i can say i like the taste. A bit bland but letak chili flakes terus onz! Daging dalam sup tu mashaAllah lembut! Habis semangkuk ni i makan sorang sorang.

I bukan a sweeth tooth kind of person. tapi i suka gila all the dessert selections here. Sedap sungguh everything. I terpaling suka kek putih dekat gambar atas sebab lebut gilaaaaa dan krim tu ngam! sedap. mochi (not in picture) yang ada different flavour pun ngam rasa dia. Sedapnyaaaaa... but everything dalam gambar ni pun sedap sangat. Kuih koci dalam gambar ni pun sedap. Cukup rasa semua. Husband pun suka sangat. few times kitorang topup dessert dekat pinggan hehe. Aaaaaaa rindunyaaaa 😲

Since i tak tangkap gambar each dish yang ada sebab dukung icha tengah tidur.. i sempat tangkap a few picture of this restaurant.

Not too big, not too small.

Spacious enough la.

Tak crowded jugak sebab tak ramai ambik japanese buffet.

pintu masuk japanese restaurant.

interior. tak crowded kan? Relax je makan sini sebab tak bising hehe

yang ada few people tu area dessert bar. sedapp sangat. Aiskrim tu ada green tea! sedapppp hehe.

I memang happy sangat makan sini. sebab sedap. Definitely worth it. but if you are allergic to seafood, dia macam tak berbaloi sikit. same case like my husband. sebab mostly seafood. husband i siap kena allergic even makan ayam sebab teppanyaki kan grill sekali je with udang. Nasib tak teruk sebab quickly makan ubat.

If you happen to stay here, try lah makan buffet ni. way better dari bbq buffet dinner yang kitorang makan night before.

p/s: If you book thru Lexis Hibisucs website, the price is RM 99 only. Which totally reasonable ya sebab udang gebus gebus siap ada kaki ketam yang isinya padat. I taktau la ketam apa but kaki ketam tu besar sungguh which I lupa nak ambik gambar.

Friday 3 January 2020

Lunch at Roselle Coffee House Lexis Hibiscus

Assalamualaikum πŸ’—

Harini I nak share lunch yang I makan masa dekat Lexis Hibisucs last week.

Sebenarnya I should get lunch buffet according to details yang I dapat masa booking with agent. Bila I cakap that way to the person in charge dekat café, they said buffet memang takda for lunch. Haha. so dengan I sekali blur at that time. But after some discussion with their superior, they let my husband and I to had lunch at their café worth RM 180. So basically order jelah anything until reach that amount 😊

We choose juice as our drink. Purely juice oki? Tak mix with any sugar or anything. directly pressed from the orange and watermelon. memang not to our liking yang kena add sugar sikit at least haha. Payah beno nak menghabiskan. At the end tak berjaya habis huhu.

RM 15/ glass

Icha dah berzikir nak makan pasta. So ni lah pasta icha makan that day. Spaghetti carbonara yang super creamy.


I suka sangat pasta yang creamy macamni. i bet icha pun suka sebab nak habis sepinggan icha makan sorang haha. 

RM 33 per plate

Ibu pulak tengok tomyam dah tersengih. 

Belum sempat cakap husband dah tahu I nak makan tomyam haha. 

Wehhh, WAJIB CUBA. MashaAllah rasa dia. Pekat melekat sungguh la.. eventho rasa santan tu a bit overpowering at first. all in all i love it. sedap sangat. Pedas cukup. Udang gebus sangat 😻By the way, ni tomyam je tau. tanpa nasi/ kueytiaw or anything hehe.

RM 33 for one tomyam bowl

My husband pilih nasi sebab dah makan steak last night.. So he choose hainanese chicken rice. Sedap! i suka. but lagi sedap kalau dapat ayam part tulang. isi is a no no, but that day order dalam keadaan rushing sebab lapo habis semua lupa. Maka makan jelah ya πŸ˜†

Worth RM20+ for one plate

We add on fries and nugget to makan dalam bilik after swimming.

For dessert, I choose sagu gula melaka. i tak expect i will receive santan instead of susu cair as the gravy for sagu gula melaka. sebab honestly,  i never try it before. i macam risau nak makan santan with this kind of dessert. afraid that it will taste weird. at the first bite pun i macam contemplate nak try.. haha. but! MashaAllah.. sedap. cukup rasa. Tersenyum i makan sebab no need to share with anyone 😝

RM10++ for one serving i rasa.

For icha and ayah, they choose ice cream for dessert. 

My husband said it was good. He never knew macadamia goes well with the ice cream. well i pun tak tahu. haha. husband offered me to taste the ice cream pun i decline sebab terlalu asyik dengan dessert i sendiri. 😜

This small tub cost RM20/each.

We definitely puas hati with everything! Seriously. Sedap sangat. Memang ngam dengan tekak kami. I taste everything from pasta icha to nasi husband and I approved. Haha. sebagai pencinta makanan, I can say semuanya ada rasa and the portion was quite big for one person.

Since kami ni pencinta makanan. memang habis semua kami makanπŸ˜‹

From the amount allocated, we add another RM1 je hehe

Puas hati betul makan macamni. Sebab sedap sangat and everyone can eat their own fav food as well.

p/s: I like their effort to put the signage in compliance with halal Jabatan Agama Islam Negeri Sembilan in their coffee house area. They even highlight yang dorang tak serve any alcoholic drinks in the coffee house. Which I really love it. Banyak sangat issue if we serve alcoholic drinks even tak guna dalam food. Sebab masa cuci pinggan mesti bercampur kan. So, when they make an effort like this seriously buat I extra terharu. Good Job untuk Lexis Hibiscus! I stan with you πŸ˜‰