Thursday 27 January 2022

My 2021 recap

Hi All, Assalamualaikum 💗

I left 2021 with less than 30 entries; where most of it was for review purposes, my makan makan trip and some jalan jalan trip.

I had fun with my 2021. Banyak momen best yang we created eventho covid spike badly first half of 2021. But Alhamdulillah i merasa la WFH for 2 months. Banyak aktiviti boleh buat during that time with my little family. Thank you Allah swt.

Maybe ada yang tertanya.. why 2 bulan WFH? Bukan lama ke WFH? Well I work in an industry that needed me at the site. Walaupun..... so itulah sebabnya. Masa kes naik mencanak tu baru office I close for 2 months.

Yang paling hepi mestilah si kecik tu. Kalau tak she always wonders why ibu need to work when covid is everywhere at that time.

My life is good

My family is happy

My work is stable

--- that's what matters most :)

Maka, moh create more beautiful memories for 2022. Hidup tak lama, maka janganla sesakkan fikiran with all those tiny little thing if possible. Pesanan khas buat diri sendiri sebenarnya hehe. 

Enjoy more and pray moreee! 

Bismillah 😻