Thursday 31 December 2015

Parking IKEA Cheras

Salam Alaykum.

Last two days i went out with my girlfriend after i finished present my proposal. *skip that presentation part* Intan took me from my faculty and then straight pergi IKEA baru dekat JALAN CHERAS bukan cheras ya.. At first kite ingat dekat je yela serdang dengan cheras for me dekat jela since selalu makan sizzling mee super sedap dekat AEON Balakong tu. Ha sekali ambik bila adik kite kata dekat jalan cheras :p before pi tu whatsapp dengan intan tanya is that okay nak pi makan sana sebab jauh sikit and takut dia nak buat labwork kot rushing since we both nak jumpa for lunch date. and bila intan kasi green light yayerssss i got the chance to eat the meatballs.... mihihi tu tujuan dia sebenarnya. Jalan nak pi pun okay eventho kereta banyak sikit since masa tu lunch time after 1/2 jam we arrived the destination. Nak cari parking pulak dekat IKEA tu..

Pusing pusing, nampak lampu dekat parking lot semua merah. and then ada lampu biru menyala. kite cakap intannn tu kosong! and cepat cepat parking tanpa fikir anything weird about that lamp.. AT ALL. Sebab kite ingat IKEA kalau parking kosong lampu tu warna biru, kalau ada kereta dekat parking lot tu je lampu tu tukar merah. tahpape kan kite fikir gitu? -_-

Masa intan tengah reverse masuk parking, ada this one woman ni pegang fon and took picture of intan's car repeatedly. and i was like. what the?! kenapa this woman tangkap gambar and buat muka seriously annoying gilaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Sambil mulut terkumat kamit pulak tu. peh. and then tah macam mana kite ternampak sign kotak parking tu kotak OKU. YE, KOTAK OKU. terus kite cakap dekat intan parking tempat lain since we salah tempat parking. luls dengan diri sendiri sebab tak nampak sign. MALUUU u___u

Cuma apa yang kite nak higlight sekarang, orang kita which is orang malaysia apapun nak ambik gambar. Semua benda nak ambik gambar and viralkan. The true story behind the viral picture tu no one know. Ada yang memang patut viral, ada yang tak patut pun sebab semua tu misunderstanding. Pendek kata, cuma orang yang hadapi situasi tu je tau. But basically, orang kita jenis judge things by picture itself. geram je bila tak pasal pasal that lady took picture of my friend's car. sadly she did that, at first dia patut tegur dulu sebab kami memang tak sedar bukan sengaja buat buat tak sedar tau. Maybe kalau kami degil jugak nak park situ je dia boleh ambik gambar lepastu and viralkan ke nak report mana mana ke kan? haish. after all, lesson learned.. apa apa teliti dulu lampu dekat kotak parking tu warna apa and kotak parking punya sign before nak parking. kalau tak, sejarah mungkin berulanggg~~

Aiskrim penyejuk hati :)
--- walaupun terkejut with that lady punya action we both still enjoyed our meal :p mihihi. yela dah drive from serdang to here takkan nak moody sebab that little thing. just take a deep breath, chill and eat a lot of foodssss! yays. glad we both tak buat silly things like we both planned to. hahaha. 

Saturday 26 December 2015

Restoran Nasi Ulam Cikgu

Last few days family kite datang dari perak nak lawat kawasan kite and husband duduk. First tetamu yang datang since duduk rumah sini and mestila banyak kurang dia :p ayah nak minum air pun gula tarakkkk.. Haha boleh bayang tak rumah kami ni memang serba serbi takda. Yela kan dah both kerja balik kerja masak untuk makan malam, then makan malam sambil tengok movie then zass tido. Memang tak sempat cek apa yang dah habis. Tambah lagi husband jarang minum air panas selain susu panas. Haha redha je ayah ibu dengan perangai anak dia ni -.-

Since kami pun baru lagi dekat kelantan and banyak tempat tak sempat explore including tempat makan maka kami berdua blur nak bawak pi mana. Huhuhu maka kami google je and tanya kawan ofis mana tempat best. Antara suggestion termasuklah restoran ulam cikgu. Review dok kata sedap.. So kite and husband decide bawak makan tengahari sini ja. Oh restoran ni ada dua cawangan satu dekat pekan KB, satu lagi dekat pengkalan chepa. Yang kite pi ni pengkalan chepa :)

Dari rumah kite it takes around 20 minutes to arrive. Sampai je restoran ni full house betui. Semua meja penuh. Nasib masa kami sampai satu family baru ja habis makan so kami ambik tempat dorang. Konsep restoran ni layan diri termasuk sekali minuman. So bangun dan layanlah diri anda sendiri mihihi.. Lauk dia tak banyak variety for me. Sebab they serve ulam a lot -- which is why nama restoran ni restoran nasi ulam cikgu. Main dish dia ayam goreng, ikan keli goreng, ikan jaket, ikan merah goreng garing, ayam masak merah,asam pedas ikan, gulai ikan, ikan singgang dan satu je lauk sayur yang berkuah (ni antara lauk yang ada masa kite datang that day) At first kite macam pelik takkan ni je lauk yang ada? Sebab kite expect ada paru berlado, sayur pucuk paku masak lemak, siput sedut masak lemak, ikan bakar dan semua jenis masakan kampung yang biasanya dijual for lunch but sadly NO. Takda ya semua tu dekat restoran ni.. Bila kite risik risik, memang ini je lah menunya. 

Satu meja ni je penuh all kind of ulam termasuk budu and sambal belacan.
Jadi ibu, adik adik kite and kite ambik ulam ulaman, budu sedap, sambal belacan yang super pedas, kepala ikan merah yang super garing which is sedap, ikan jaket sumbat cili which mainly isi dia adalah bawang, ikan masak asam pedas, kuah kari, air teh ais and tembikai. In total cost us rm34. Ayah kite cakap harga dia was okay so yeah.. 2 bintang from ibu and 3 bintang from daddy. Because we expect something bigger than this as we hunting for makan kampung macam kami biasa makan.. Torkono eh den :p muehehe. Anyway, taste wise dia okay.. InshaAllah. Bolehla korang try sebab sedap dan harga restoran ni reasonable! 😉 

 okay bai, Assalamualaikum! ♥

* Updated: Kite pergi another branch dekat kampung kraftangan located at the centre of KB. This time around datang with sv and his wife. Dekat situ best! Maksud kite the environment totally berbeza dengan dekat pengkalan chepa. luassss.. dan dekat sini nasi ulam cikgu ada dua part and both tempat luas ;) untuk mudahkan  diri dan lari dari sesak, avoid lunch hour. Datang awal sikit, inshaAllah selesa makan. :)

Saturday 12 December 2015

Resepi : ketam cili siram telur


Ketam (di cuci bersih) - 5 ekor
Bawang putih - 2 ulas
Bawang merah - 3 biji
Serai - 1 batang
Cili kering (di blend)
Telur - 1 biji
Sos tiram - 2 sudu besar
Sos cili - 2 sudu besar
Kicap cair - 2 sudu besar
Garam (optional)

* Kuantiti boleh di tambah ikut jumlah hidangan yang di sediakan.

Cara masakan
1. Tumis bawang putih dan bawang merah yang sudah di tumbuk bersama dengan sedikit minyak masak. Tambah air sedikit dalam setengah cawan.
2. Apabila sudah naik bau, masukkan cili kering yang sudah di blend. Gaul mesra dan biarkan sehingga pecah minyak.
* Tambah serai yang diketuk ke dalam kuali.
3. Tambah sos tiram, sos cili dan kicap cair. Biarkan sekejap selama beberapa minit dengan api perlahan
4. Tambah air - ikut kuantiti yang di inginkan. Sebab ada yang minat kuah ada yang tak. So tambah ikut kesukaan masing masing ya :)
5. Masukkan ketam dan gaul rata. Untuk lebih mudah, ketam bertukar warna merah menunjukkan ketam sudah masak :)
6. Perlahankan api, pukul telur dan siram ke atas ketam. Gaul hingga mesra dan tutup api.
7. Makanan sudah sedia untuk dihidangkan!

Simple kan? Yet so easy peasy like kacang peace yo. Makasih mak martuakuuuu atas resepi super mudah. Kihkih. Selamat mencuba uols! ♥

Thursday 12 November 2015

JJCM Kelantan : ABC restoran ikan bakar kukup

Last saturday, husband cakap jumla kite pi jalan jalan around kelantan or go to the mall untuk ambik angin. Sebab tiap kali weekend husband and I habiskan masa dekat rumah, spent time tengok movie sama sama atau kemas rumah. Sebab weekend ja ada banyak sikit masa untuk buat semua tu. Kalau weekdays basically hidup mostly dekat pejabat. Since movie dah tengok, rumah da kemas maka solusinya ayuhlah hirup udara luar sat. 

So, mulalah seorang maisarah mencari lokasi jjcm. Malas nak jalan dalam mall sebab tak rasa nak window shopping. Dan dalam kepala dah aim nak makan ABC sebenarnya :p Salah satu tempat yang orang suggest pi makan ABC ni dekat restoran ikan bakar kukup area kota bharu and dekat je dengan rumah. Kami pi lah berdua, nasib suami kite pun layan ja kite ni nak pi makan sini kihkih. Ambience kedai ni best! Tepi jalan besar tak payah susah susah nak masuk dalam lorong kecik ka apa untuk sampai. Gambar tak sempat ambik sebab dok khusyuk makan ABC super sedap ni. Haha. Anyway, google je nama kedai ni nanti akan keluar gambar kedai ni so that lagi senang nak cari selain guna waze ataupun google map ;)


ABC yang ada aiskrim @ ABC special ni harga dia rm5, untuk ABC biasa rm4. For me, price is quite okay sebab sedap! Serious! Paling sedap part warna kuning tu sebab rasa jagung yang sedap nauuu T_T Oh, sebenarnya boleh ja nak mintak ais jagung ja tapi tak stated dalam menu, kite tau pun sebab nampak ada yang order hihi. Bolehla kalau nak repeat lagi kedai ni inshaAllah! 

* kedai ni offer steamboat dengan harga rm22.50 untuk dewasa. Berpatutan bagi kite sebab susah dah nak jumpa harga gini dekat tempat lain.

Saturday 7 November 2015

Resepi : Paru masak berlado

Antara lauk yang simple + inshaAllah sedap sampai suami puji. Bahan pun simple je ;)

Bahan A
- paru {ada yang panggil lampung}
- garam
- kunyit

i. Hiris paru ikut ketebalan yang disukai
- kite suka tak terlalu nipis dan tak terlalu tebal, just nice purpose dia nanti senang nak makan je hihi :p
ii. Gaul paru bersama garam dan kunyit
iii. Goreng paru hingga garing dan ketepikan

Bahan B
3 biji Cili masak
4-5 biji cili padi {optional : tambah kalau nak rasa pedas sedikit}
1 inci belacan
Sedikit garam
1 biji bawang holland
3 ulas bawang putih
1/4 kiub ikan bilis

i. Tumbuk kesemua bahan hingga lumat.


i. Panaskan kuali dengan sedikit minyak
ii. Masukkan bahan B dan tumis sebentar
Tambah sedikit air - ini optional bagi yang taknak hidangan mereka terlalu kering
iii. Masukkan bahan A iaitu paru yang sudah di goreng terlebih dahulu sebentar tadi
iv. Gaul rata kedua dua bahan tersebut hingga mesra
v. Dan hidangan sedia untuk di hidang!

* selamat mencuba ya :)

Saturday 17 October 2015

Haze vs Health

Salam alaykum salam tahun baru 1437H semua 🌸

Kite baru balik dari shah alam last few days to attend majlis nikah & resepsi along kite untuk belah perempuan. Masa sampai sana the API for haze starting to rise back. Totally different daripada kelantan sebab kelantan jerebu tak teruk langsung. Dekat sana all u can see is blurred building because everything were covered with haze. Masa dekat shah alam tu, me and my husband pulak asyik keluar masuk rumah sebab we have to settle few things plus we need to buy meal for my family members. Masa tu, dengan haze teruk badan tak cukup rehat, you can see 2 zombies walking around shah alam haha :p and 3 days rasa kejap gila because we need to go back to kelantan.

Sampai je kelantan, the next day start sakit tekak. Kite suspect because of haze. Sampai harini, which is hari ketiga kite batuk teruk. For an asthmatic person, batuk is a big no no bcs it leads to asthma. Sesak nafas is teribble, you can't breath properly and u can't even sleep T_T haze totally make my health condition down the drain. Poor hubsy sebab dia pun tak sihat sangat but he need to run few errands sebab kite memang bedrest sepanjang sakit. Sorry T_T 

so yeah, "Thank you" haze, you totally made my day :/

* Soft reminder.. When people keep talking about haze, not because it is trending for fun. Jerebu memang teruk dan jejaskan kesihatan. Haze is bad. Lagi teruk untuk babies, small kids, elder people and to asthmatic person. Be safe, and take a good care people! Wear face mask if it is necessary okay? Stay indoor to be safe ;)

Wednesday 9 September 2015

Cara nak apply master di UPM

Salam Alayk ♥

First of all, Alhamdulillah finally after ups and downs (of laziness) dapat dah sambung master dekat UPM! hehe. But currently i am in Kelantan doing my lab work here. register in UPM but doing my lab work here together with my husband. Kalau kite rajin nanti kite story that part okay :)

i want to share with you guys yang nak sambung master dekat UPM n how to apply. inshaAllah mudah je, don't worry okay.

firstly, sign up username and password dkt laman sgs upm. google it, straight away the link is out! nanti login dekat page ni --> SGS UPM
secondly, sign in, fill all the requirement. upload all the document, fret not all the document need no one to approved or sign. Sebab nanti masa hari pendaftaran kena bawa the original copy of all the document yang you guys upload.(this one kite call sendiri pihak sgs and ask by myself but maybe lagi 2-3 tahun cara dah berubah jadi just make a call rajin tanya tau sebab diorang friendly inshaAllah) 
* in case kalau masih tak dapat official result just upload all your semester result from semester 1-7.
thirdly, just wait for the official letter ;)

nowadays all things dekat our fingertips je. everything online. make life easy and i love it! hehe.

additional info to you guys yang nak apply grf, ni mcm allowance la setiap bulan dapat. master myr1500, phd myr 1700. isi borang offline tau and sent it via pos laju or any other courier kalau nak cepat. benda ni kena alert and rajin bukak website sebab kite pun sv yang alert kan, she told me this thing. nasib ada sv begini kan kalau tak terlepas lah peluang T_T

toodles! ♥

My random thought of the day. So which one is you? :)

Monday 17 August 2015

Tips kahwin awal.

Salam Alayk.

kite masih dalam fasa menyesuaikan diri dekat kelantan. sebab semua kena start from zero as this is the starting point for our journey together. dalam keadaan hidup yang sedikit kucar kacir tapi belum tunggang terbalik sebab masih mampu bersuka ria membuang masa buat benda lagha. hahaha fani maisarah -_-

nampak kan tajuk entri kite? since quite a few yang tanya macamana kite dapat permission kawin awal because they didn't even believe i'll get married during study at that time.. i find a reason to blogged about this. there are people yang whatsapp, personally meet me and ask how i able to get married early. well, kite sendiri pun confused :p sebab.. my husband and i both tak pernah terlintas pun nak kahwin awal tambah lagi masa belajar. tapi, ni semua jodoh. Rahsia Allah swt.. which i find it is good. and still to this date rasa bersyukur sebab dapat keluarga dan keluarga mentua yang super supportive. Sebab tanpa restu semua ni takkan terjadi kan ;)

okay back to the topic. tips kawin awal..?

i believe those who dreams of getting married have a steady financial. because, this is the main factor you able to get the green light from your parents. but, if you happen to dream of getting married during your studies, make sure you are mentally and physically ready enough to stand with your decision. ask yourself whether can you survive when both of you are not yet having a good financial support (abaikan if you does not having any problem with this ya :)). if you said yes, proceed your good intention. there will be obstacle bila nak buat something good, jadikan semua tu sebagai satu penguat semangat untuk hasilkan satu ikatan sah yang di sukai Allah swt :) 

Basically, tu je yang penting. sebab things happen when you yourself want it to happen. bila ada masalah during preparation of geting married and you dah back off sebab give up or sebab you tak jumpa jalan keluar to the problem or you tak cuba selesaikan that problem maknanya you not ready yet. bear that in mind okay guys? ohh.. and make you yourself clear why you wanted to get married. but pls.. don't make a scene with your parents bila dorang tak restu. mesti ada sebab.. mesti. they are not simply say no without reason. they are our parents. semestinya, dorang nak yang terbaik untuk kita kan? jadi.. bila tak dapat persetujuan, pujuk. doa.. jangan lupa. tu yang penting :) tunjuk jugak usaha awak nak kawin. jangan nak kawin lepastu makan tido makan tido je dekat rumah. caneeeee nak yakinkan mak ayah camtu? =_=

"Setiap yang terjadi pasti ada sebab. setiap yang terjadi pasti ada punca"

peace! Assalamualaikum :)

Tuesday 21 July 2015

Tips ubati sakit tekak.

Assalamualaikum gais! ♥

Starting last wednesday kite start sakit tekak, and up until now dah masuk seminggu baru sakit tekak makin okay. So, my raya this year package with sore throat yay U_U After suffering for non stop coughing and all. so sakit i tell you. tambah lagi dengan kite ada asthma. double the pain T_T  i had been looking high and low for tips and treats to help me endure this sore throat, some of it works on me! sebab ada some tu takda kesan pada kite, mungkin depends on your body jugak kan ;) kite share some yang berkesan, maybe it works on you guys as well kan inshaAllah ;)

1. Minum air masak campur hirisan lemon a lot. Banyak banyak, jadikan rutin sepanjang sakit dan kalau boleh waktu sihat pun amalkan sebab banyak kelebihan dia tau :)
2. Makan madu + perahan lemon. untuk kite, kite makan madu ginseng mak mertua kite kasi. lepas makan tu, Alhamdulillah lega sikit.

1. Avoid aircond. For my case, kalau kena aircond tekak makin kering and buat sakit tekak lagi teruk.
2. Avoid dari minum ais. extra attention to people yang ada asthma. sebab minum ais boleh buat sakit jadi lagi teruk and worst case scenario sampai kena ambil neb sebab tak boleh bernafas properly.
3. Avoid makan makanan berminyak. sebab boleh buat tekak rasa lagi gatal and batuk lagi teruk and tekak akan jadi super sakit.

so yeah, prevention is better than cure aite? i believe that none of us who love to fall sick and bed rest rather than enjoying raya. its a big NO for me. hihi. have a really gooooood rest okay? tu yang paling penting untuk cepat sihat :)

Wednesday 24 June 2015

Ramadhan 2015

Ahlan Wasahlan Ya ramadhan!

Tak sangka sekejap sangat dah masuk bulan ramadhan. eh, ramadhan kali ni pulak dah berdua :') siapa sangka kan? Percaturan yang Allah buat tu cantik sangat. we never know what will happen in the future, but the future itself inshaAllah cantik letaknya..

harini dah masuk ramadhan ke 7. time flies. malam ni dah masuk terawih ke 8. what is your achievement so far? lets embrace our ramadhan with something meaningful. good deeds throughout this month shall we? :)

When Ramadan enters, the gates of Paradise are opened, the gates of Hellfire are closed and the devils are chained. (Al-Bukhari and Muslim)

Every action a son of Adam does shall be multiplied—a good action by ten times its value, up to 700 times. Allah says: With the exception of fasting, which belongs to Me, and I reward it accordingly. For, one abandons his desire and food for My sake. There are two occasions of joy for a fasting person: one when he breaks his fast, and the other when he meets his Lord, and the (bad) breath (of a fasting person) is better in the sight of Allah than the fragrance of musk. (Al-Bukhari)

Assalamualaikum ♥♥

Monday 18 May 2015

Hectic week(s)

Assalamualaikum everyone!

plus minus another 2 weeks left for me to submit my final draft of my thesis. (which all the marks will be given during this period)

dan kite blank.
betul betul blank
sebab tak siap lagi
hehehe padan muka sendiri


tapi dalam stress buat thesis tambah lagi dengan workload assignment, ada presentation, kena buat poster. semua berturut turut huwaaaa. tambah lagi dengan macam macam benda eh memang menduga emosi tau. but there is rainbow after every storm. sebab nanti masa tengah stress tu mesti ada je yang akan buat awak tersenyum balik. ada je yang akan buat awak gelak and tanpa sedar stress tu semua hilang. :)

Always believe that things happen for a reason. walaupun kadang kadang diri sendiri susah nak chill bila berhadapan masalah, i always remind myself to be positive. if you failed to do so, remember that there is always next time where you can fix it! :) not everything is perfectly done at the first time. jadi... taknak down okays!

tata! see you when i see you :)

Wednesday 22 April 2015

kawin awal, salah ke?

Salam alaykum

Last few days marks our second monthsarry for our marriage life.. long journey to go i know. but i am happy with what i choose basically about my new journey.

Baru-baru ni kite hadap dua situasi which is about the negative feedback regarding early marriage. well, i am one of the couple who got married quite early and still studying as the bonus point for people to point their fingers at me and husband saying that we both are not ready enough for this new phase. hmmm, at first kite malas nak take things seriously and thought that they just want to say that for fun. dengan niat nak mengusik, but if they keep repeating the same thing over and over again what do you think?

dan, tambahan kepada tu. my husband and i both nak sambung master. we both target for it even before we got married. last few weeks, ada perjumpaan dengan budak final semester regarding to pursue master or not. and the lecturer saying about married thinggy. dia kata, maybe some of the sv don't take people yang dah kawin as a master student. and... kite macam what? orang yang dah kawin memang hilang hak nak sambung belajar ke? sobs. i know, some of the lecturer taknak ambik risiko dengan student yang dah kahwin sebab takut they are a bit more emosional kalau gaduh with their spouse.. but still, it is not a brilliant idea to discriminate couple who already got married to pursue their studies.

this case happened recently. i attended one program that teach us how to be ready with the real world etc. and one slot giving tips about facing the interviewer. one of the classmate said that me and hubs already married to the facilitator when she say to hubs that susahla nanti nak cari girlfriend (bila whole class know that me and hubs already married they keep teasing us with that married word, kite tak kisah infact im a proud married woman) the facilitator mula cakap pasal all predicted question the interviewer akan tanya and suddenly jump to part yang orang kahwin a bit susah nak dapat kerja. for example if the company want to relocate us to some other places. and again, kite macam *^^%*&,  ya, kite tahu married couple mestila nak live together, tapi takkan peluang bekerja pun kena sekat jugak untuk young couple like us? tsk tsk, pujuk diri sendiri untuk jadi positif.

Hadis ini diriwayatkan dengan lafaz:
" أيما شاب تزوج في حداثة سنه عج شيطانه: يا ويله يا ويله عصم مني دينه "
Maksudnya: Mana-mana pemuda yang berkahwin pada awal umurnya maka menjeritlah syaitan (dengan berkata): celaka dia, celaka dia. Terpelihara daripadaku agamanya. Hadis ini diriwayatkan dari Jabir bin Abdullah dari jalur Salih Maula al-Tau'amah. 

my hubs being him will comfort me. we get married early because this is our path. we choose it, our both families encourage us to do so, we live happily plus we get pahala with it. kite yakin, kawin awal banyak kebaikan dari keburukan. dan to this point, kite happy bila orang terdekat sentiasa ada untuk support kite dan suami. takda salah kawin masa belajar, infact this is a good way. more pahala kan? :) even my both parents seriously sangat supportive, kite happy sebab diorang sentiasa ada untuk kite dengan suami. i believe things happen for a reason and biasala kalau dalam apa yang kita buat mesti ada yang tak setuju :)

Rasulullah bersabda 
"Wahai para pemuda, sesiapa di antara kamu yang mampu memikul tanggungjawab perkahwinan, hendaklah dia kahwin. Sesungguhnya perkahwinan itu menahan pandangan dan memelihara kemaluan (kesucian). Bagi sesiapa yang tidak mampu (berkahwin) maka hendaklah dia berpuasa, kerana puasa itu dapat menahan nafsunya" 
(H.R.Bukhari & Muslim)

if people come and ask me, are you happy to be married? and i said, of course i am happy. who doesn't right? :)

till then!

Tuesday 31 March 2015

Before i am officially graduated.

Assalamualaikum and Hello! (echo sound as the background)

I will end my degree life in few more months. Happy and sad, both feeling mix together. 

how can i describe my degree journey..
well.. roller coaster ride maybe?
Fun roller coaster ride... and sad.
sebenarnya tak tahu nak describe macam mana. sebab betul betul bercampur baur perasaan macam ABC. sedapnyaaaa ABC aiskrim. tskkk tskkk mana nak dapat malam gini T_T

To be honest, i love my surrounding. you know, the small numbers of people that i will treasure for the rest of my life. i will miss the moment with them. happy and sad moments together. the little things that we did together from the beginning of my degree life. i cannot imagine how time flies. like real fast. like hello now i am married woman okays?! :'D

Not everything were happy as sugar.. But the bitter moments i felt, make me become who i am today. i survived to the final rally! phewww. to someone, it may looks easy. but to me, i felt proud of myself. cerita macam dah konvo kan? belum ye anak anak. haha. ni kira macam part one road to konvo lah. ;') ;') ;') dengan thesis yang kena siapkan, i should write my thesis in a faster pace i think. my spirit in writing thesis fluctuate according to my mood. there is no consistent phase of writing thesis in the life of Maisarah. -_-

Okay, lets skip that part.

picture courtesy from google.

Yapppp, i totally agree with this word. Kadang-kadang, me myself love to compare myself with others. i mean, with others ability or advantage that they have in their life. ya i know its not a good attitude but i cant help myself :/

sometimes i think why that people excel in their studies but not me
sometimes i think why that people beautiful but no me
sometimes i think why that people easily get whatever they desire in their life

bad right? with the help of time, i slowly advice myself to be happy with my life. well i manage to comfort myself with that statement most of the time even though sometimes i still have that feeling of WHY. But, do not feel bad of yourself to think of that way, that is a nature feeling in our self. because at the same time, we need to remember maybe others feels like that about us. kan? maybe someone else think why we have this life and why they did not have the opportunity to have life like us. what you have in your life, be thankful, value your life be happy and chin up! :)


Friday 13 March 2015

Bad wedding planner service

Assalamualaikum! i am someone wife few weeks ago! phewwww. change into new status..... hmmm i can say its thrilled! :'D

Sebenarnya kite nak cakap pasal majlis kite few weeks ago. this one thing keep mingling thru my mind and i think i should spill it here. i deal a package consist of hand bouquet, dais and make up from someone that my parents happened to know, and i thought the deal will be so much easier, and it was at first. sweet thing that they promised to make my dream change into reality, turns into a bitter sweet memory for my wedding journey.

i. Dais - my dad ask for a mini dais with full background coverage, they told me that i need to pay extra because of that full coverage. to avoid being as a fussy customer, i agreed to paid them extra. at first, they promise to come and pasang the dais three days before my big day, but then because they say its raining and bla bla bla they will come next day early in the morning. i text them back tomorrow morning and asked at what time will they arrived. Only at 11a.m she replied and say soon because at that moment they are loading things into their car. so, i waited for more than 2 hours for them to arrived even the distance of their shop to my house just 10 minutes away -_- they arrived nearly at 2 p.m. they took hours to pasang it, forgot their thing some more to bring. Near to 5 pm only they settled their thing with totally unexpected dais as the result. to make it worse they asked my mum carpet to cover the dais which make it totally ridiculous. things getting worse, people come and ask whether we diy-ed the dais. can you imagine?:( not a happy customer i am.

ii. Hand bouquet - few weeks before the day, the planner ask me what kind of hand bouquet i prefer, and i choose fresh flowers. she insisted me to took the artificial instead of fresh flowers hand bouquet because she said it last longer plus she will decorate the hand bouquet looks like real fresh flower. it rings a bell in my head an i thought it was a good idea. but... it breaks my heart when i saw the hand bouquet, not close to what imagine, plus it looks like someone had used it before. to make it bitter, the planner ask back for the hand bouquet. i thought it will be mine. she said i'm confused all artificial flower need to be returned back (it is the policy they said) and if im not believe with what she said she asked me to refer to other planner. can u imagine she siad that to her customer? :/ this put me into anger and i printscreen our conversation and send it back to her. she keep saying she was right and i handle the case to my dad. later, she didn't reply my whats app anymore.

iii. make up - she did my make up. i never wore make up before and she made me nightmare with it. i hate seeing myself on my special day, because she change me into someone else. i ask for natural make up, she give me a heavy make up instead. i can feel this coming, that was why i wanted to have a trial session before my big day. she insisted that she can do this and we do not need a trial session. go for someone who can keep with their promise. she promise to come at 7, but she came near to 8 am where my akad was held at 9 am. she make up me in hurry, my eyes make up was not balance. my lips was not balance. total failed. and the aftermath? she ruin my day.

just to ensure you have a pleasant day on your big day, make sure you check first. i did but still janji manis di taburkan lalu gelap mataku pada janji manisnya, haha. i hope this thing wont happen to any of you! i am happily married. just that one glitches during my day make me a grumpy bride.

See you guys later!

Thursday 5 February 2015

Darah manis.

Hai! Assalamualaikum :)

Hemmm, darah manis. selalu di kaitkan dengan gadis/wanita/perempuan yang bakal menamatkan zaman bujang. And...... its true! if you happen to know someone whose getting married/ getting hitched soon this term or word is cliche. its become norm to our society nowadays or maybe during our parents day back then. that person will always get warned to take a very good care of themselves so that nothing bad will happen to them.

"darah manis, jaga jaga buat kerja tu jangan gopoh sangat"
"hati hati pegang pisau jangan sampai luka darah tengah manis tu"
"hati hati keluar, jangan balik lewat tengah darah manis tu"
.....and the list goes on.

Sebelum ni i used to hear this word, not the one yang selalu kena warn. But this time, kite yang selalu kena dengar dan patuh pada nasihat dan pantang larang supaya jaga diri sendiri. last few weeks im not in a good shape, i can say i start my new year with a bad condition mentally and physically. Selalu sakit, bad things happened, one bad things after another. sampai kawan kite cakap darah tengah manis tu sebab tu jadi macam tu. and i smile to them instead of crying.. bila fikir balik i never thought i will be that tough :)

betul ke this bad things will happen only to the darah manis people? you think?
kalau tanya kite, maybe not. kite rasa selalunya orang panggil darah manis sebab yang nak kahwin ni tengah happy nak kahwin, or maybe tengah stress fikir pasal preparation sampai buat diri sendiri tak fokus bila buat sesuatu which can harm themselves in any possible way. sebab tu, si darah manis ni kena ada extra precaution hihihi. well atleast, this thought can help me to ease myself :)

till then, bye!

Monday 2 February 2015


Assalamualaikum, Hai.

*i wrote and delete sentence for couple times already*

Hello earthlings! my fingers pause for some time because they are awkward. its been ages since the last time they dancing on the keyboard. and now, they started to dancing again. because of too many things running thru my mind i decide to start blogging again. kinda miss blogging actually, and he miss reading whatever i write hihi :) the main reason i decide to continue blogging is because in few weeks time my status will change.

im a married woman! soon. hehehe.

so, i want to document the journey here. in my tiny blog of mine. i want to keep it here and make sure diri ini cukup kerajinan untuk update. also... because of many things happens in my surrounding lately make me feels that blog is the best place for me to write what i think and stop myself from writing it in my instagram which suppose to be only picture and short caption. sekarang ni instagram dah jadi tempat untuk kite tulis panjang panjang sampai semua orang ingat kite buat karangan. my bad hihi.

that is all for now. see you later! :)