Wednesday 9 September 2015

Cara nak apply master di UPM

Salam Alayk ♥

First of all, Alhamdulillah finally after ups and downs (of laziness) dapat dah sambung master dekat UPM! hehe. But currently i am in Kelantan doing my lab work here. register in UPM but doing my lab work here together with my husband. Kalau kite rajin nanti kite story that part okay :)

i want to share with you guys yang nak sambung master dekat UPM n how to apply. inshaAllah mudah je, don't worry okay.

firstly, sign up username and password dkt laman sgs upm. google it, straight away the link is out! nanti login dekat page ni --> SGS UPM
secondly, sign in, fill all the requirement. upload all the document, fret not all the document need no one to approved or sign. Sebab nanti masa hari pendaftaran kena bawa the original copy of all the document yang you guys upload.(this one kite call sendiri pihak sgs and ask by myself but maybe lagi 2-3 tahun cara dah berubah jadi just make a call rajin tanya tau sebab diorang friendly inshaAllah) 
* in case kalau masih tak dapat official result just upload all your semester result from semester 1-7.
thirdly, just wait for the official letter ;)

nowadays all things dekat our fingertips je. everything online. make life easy and i love it! hehe.

additional info to you guys yang nak apply grf, ni mcm allowance la setiap bulan dapat. master myr1500, phd myr 1700. isi borang offline tau and sent it via pos laju or any other courier kalau nak cepat. benda ni kena alert and rajin bukak website sebab kite pun sv yang alert kan, she told me this thing. nasib ada sv begini kan kalau tak terlepas lah peluang T_T

toodles! ♥

My random thought of the day. So which one is you? :)

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