Thursday 24 December 2020

Review: KIDAONE Elderberry + Colostrum

Assalamualaikum guys! πŸ’—

Sepanjang outbreak since early march this year, boleh kira pakai jari berapa kali i bawak icha pi mall. Itupun sebab ada hal penting. If not memang duduk rumah je. Luckily icha sejenis yang suka duduk rumah. 

This pandemic definitely buat I as a mom jadi extra protective with icha's well being. Kalau icha sakit, i jadi extra kalut. Korang pulak macamana? Apa yang mommies daddies buat/ beli for your kids to ensure they stay healthy tambah tambah lagi during this season? Icha consume vitamin daily. But i dont think its enough for her. Ke i paranoid sangat? πŸ˜…

Selain dari isu dekat atas ni. i ada lagi satu isu lain. 

I think if you guys follow me closely on Instagram you will know that icha was fully bf (breastfeeding) for 2y+. But I (read: icha) facing poop difficulties when she stopped bf last year. I rasa mom can relate this. Anak jarang pupu or tak pupu = world problem. Kan? Sama macam I la. Kalut dok fikir apa patut I buat/ bagi icha makan untuk pastikan icha boleh pupu macam biasa. 

Phew peluh omak eh mikir apo nak buwi ko anak untuk pupu. 

Finally, I jumpa solution!

Comel kan packaging dia?

I tried this [KIDAONE Elderberry + Colostrum] untuk icha both for her digestive and also as a shield for her body 😊

I saw Dr Jezamine (Harith Iskander wife) shared about this product before. Lepas dengar banyak good benefit tentang produk ni, I terus tekad nak cuba untuk icha. I think, theres no harm in trying this product. Mana tahu kot berkesan untuk icha.. if tak berkesan in both of the problem, either one pun bagi i dah okay. 


Apa kelebihan produk ni?

- Colostrum went through agglomeration technique which improves the solubility of a powder to turn to a liquid form, hence, can be easily dissolved in our intestine when consumed. 

- ColostrumOne™ is ethically sourced from high-quality dairies and underwent stringent testing to ensure high quality, safety, and efficacy.

- Processed both at low pressures and temperatures, and is spray-dried using indirect steam to maintain maximum bioactivity.

- it contains elderberry extract, being one of the superfoods for humankind. (fun fact: long ago, elderberry is one of the most commonly used medicinal plants in the world and shown to be effective against virus and bacteria-induced respiratory tract infections. It was the major ingredient in formulations used during the 1918 Spanish influenza epidemic.)

Semua orang tahu benefit colostrum kan? I rasa with all the benefit in one product surely will give the result that I want. Untuk permulaan, I let her consume it a few times a week. And I can say that I see a good outcome from it. Kalau dulu icha nak pupu memang hazab sket ye. Ambik masa yang agak lama dalam tandas. Recently, she can poop easily. Mula mula I tak notice this, after some time baru I sedar. Dah takda drama nak pupu dari icha. Before this kemain susah nak ajak poop. Now bila sebut nak poop easily sit in the toilet and do her business haha.

Bentuk tablet dan warna πŸ˜€

Ah yes, sebelum lupa product ni sesuai untuk anak berusia 2 tahun dan keatas yang mampu mengunyah dengan sendiri. Produk ni ialah sejenis tablet. Jadi makes sure anak ada ability to chew oki! If tak sure, please don’t gambe your kids safety with phrase ‘ala nak try jeee’ oki. I couldn't explain the taste macamana, sebab bila i tanya icha she asked me to give it a try. "Ibu try la, nanti ibu senang nak poop" hahahahha this girl πŸ˜‘Anyway.. i love the results and how it effect icha's. Takda isu susah nak poop dah sekarang. No more waiting game macam "bila icha nak pupu" "Icha tak rasa sakit perut ke". We don't have to buy icha punya magic fruits dah untuk buat icha pupu. For us, dah kira macam achievement. I bagi 10 bintang for this product! 🌟

If you happen to face the same difficulties macam icha, maybe you can try this for your kids. Who knows it might do wonder sama macam it happen to icha kan? 

Wednesday 23 December 2020

My first ever laser treatment by Ozhean AM Clinic Bangsar!

Assalamualaikum, hai guys! πŸ’—

I am so excited to share this experience with you. I never tried this kind of treatment before. Dengar perkataan laser pun I dah cuak, inikan nak buat laser dekat muka. I siap bayang kalau terkena laser dekat any part of our body it will cut itself instantly. Drama bukan? :p

I used to have this acne-free skin since high school, so I did my skincare routine whenever I feel like doing it. Yeah. Bad I know. Everything seems okay. But since last two months kulit muka I jadi senang berparut bila naik jerawat, luka susah nak heal and what makes it worse is I always get acne on my face. Definitely abnormal and buat I gelabah. Padan muka :p

So recently I got this luxury to try out this treatment from Ozhean AM Clinic! 

They even provide me with a permit letter in case I got stuck in any of the roadblocks during this CMCO period. Hassle-free kan? As soon as I reach there, the worker greets me nicely. As usual, I need to scan mysejahtera apps and do temperature checking upon entering the clinic. While waiting they even serve me with a hot tea – brought specially from Korea. Rindu koreaaaaa!

During the consultation, I was attended by Dr Chang. When I showed her my current face condition, she instantly told me that I had dry skin. I told her that I use acne skincare range to help with the condition but according to her it will cause my skin to become extra dry. I taktahu pun it can cause this much effect. I ingat bila I pakai the acne range, kulit I akan makin okay. My bad. I bet she must feel tired when I bombard her with the basic skincare routine that I need to do. But she was so calm entertained all my questions. Haha, Sorry Dr! 

Anyway, Dr Chang suggests me to try the FIT Pico Duo Treatment = Pico Toning Laser Treatment + Long Pulse Laser for skin rejuvenation.

FIT tu apa?

“FIT is a customized premium program to FIT everyone skin. With a registered trademark in Korea, FIT program is a customized program that combines different laser treatments to achieve the best results for you.” Our founder, Dr Park Ji-Youn, a certified Korea dermatologist believes that by combining different lasers treatment achieve better results as compared to just having one single laser treatment. This has been proven, as, since 2015, Ozhean Korea has transformed more than 20,000 faces. More than 80% of our FIT program are repeat and satisfied customers. It is our mission to transform lives one face at a time.”

I did this “FIT Pico Duo Pigment treatment”. It helps in even out uneven skin tone and improves skin texture (which is my main concern) through collagen stimulation that also helps to boost skin hydration. 

The flow of the process was like this:

Consultation with Doctor & Skin Analysis 



Post care

I was a bit scared at the beginning sebab I taktahu what to expect for this treatment. I was like “will it hurt me” or “will I feel nothing” or “will it bleeds?” etc. Drama kan? 😝 I feel the mild electric shock throughout the laser process. Rasa dia similar to the electric shock that u feel masa u pegang trolly supermarket (if u pernah kena that kind of shock lah hehe). But it was bearable. Towards the end, I already get used to the shock. Jangan risau oki, treatment ni sat jeeeee! πŸ˜‰

Bila dah habis treatment tu I ada rasa a bit gatal. This was normal according to Sue Anne (the one who assisted me throughout the process. Thanks babe! Hehe). After I came back home, I didn’t feel any more itchiness. There was no pain at all. Serious. Takda peeling, takda kulit kering or anything. The keyword for the post-treatment is to put on moisturizer and sun protection! Very important oki! So all I did the past week was to moisturize my skin, wear face mask daily and put on sunscreen.

You guys can head over to their website ( to find out more about the treatment offered!  They have 2 branches in Kuala Lumpur, which are in Bangsar and Bukit Jalil if you feel like coming and get the face to face consultation before you want to proceed with any of the treatment too πŸ˜‰

p/s: Dr Chang let me try the Pico laser for Lips Lightening which is priced at RM500 for free! I have this darker lip tone problem by the way. Love the outcome!

Thursday 17 December 2020

Last month of the year!

Assalamualaikum, hai guys πŸ’—

It's already in December. 

Banyak sangat benda jadi this year. But lets put that aside. Paling penting Allah bagi peluang bernafas sampai ke hari ini. Alhamdulillah.. Nimat mana yang nak didustakan lagi kan?

How was your 2020? 

I rasa almost everyone is affected due to the pandemic. Be it for work, family, health, or even money. Semua benda buat stress, semua benda makes things worse. Kan? I doakan, semoga kita sama sama kuat inshaAllah. 

I asked myself the other day.... Apa yang I dah achieve for this year? 

I manage to cross something from my wishlist. But of course 3/4 from my 2020 resolution tergantung sepi di situ. Termasukla plan nak pi holiday. Sedih tu adela sket, tapi i look forward for 2021 in few days time. Semoga yang baik baik untuk i, keluarga kecik i dan orang sekeliling i.

Oh ya, tahun ni eventho dah slow down contest in the second half of 2020 Allah swt masih hadirkan rezeki untuk kami sekeluarga. More than 200 winning from social media and offline contest. Maka, nikmat tuhan ya mana yang nak didustakan lagi kan? Kalau covid takda, this year will be our second year to travel to korea dengan kemenangan contest. Tapi disebabkan pandemic, the prize change to something else yang best juga hehe. Siapa sangka dengan contest juga dapat cash money nearly 10K in total. Sikit sikit lama lama jadi bukit kan? Cash voucher jangan cakap lah, every month with the cash voucher winning we manage to spend it on basic necessities and also makan sedap. Pastu gemok komplen..... eh 😝

Paling best dapat hadiah yang dah lama di idamkan. Vacuum robot, tv, jam, pakej spa best, luggage, carseat & staycation. 

Anyway.. My contest mood dah tenggelam tak timbul timbul these past few months. Semoga tahun depan rajin sikit lah, kalau idak rugi. #misibarangbabyfree #eh

Kawan kawan menang best apa tahun ni? Mehla share 🌸

Babai 2020, you are good to go! Annyeong!

Wednesday 9 December 2020

Beza IUD & Depo injection

Hi guys, Assalamualaikum πŸ’—

Since I dapat banyak inquiry regarding this, I buat one entry terus ya. Easy for everyone to read and compare whichever suits them best 😊

Sebelum I share my experience in detail, meh I explain apa itu IUI & Depo.

IUD ataupun some call it as IUI ialah sejenis alat perancang yang akan dimasukkan melalui bahagian bawah untuk diletakkan di bahagian rahim. Ada banyak jenis IUD dalam pasaran with different shape, function and price. I guna jenis copper. Copper type IUD can last up to 5 years, with minimal effect. Anyway, birth plan jenis ni, sekali je pakai. I guess less hassle?

Depo or known as Depo Provera injection. Perlu diambil 3 bulan sekali, tak boleh lambat ya, if not your birth plan may fail. Suntikan ni ada hormone progeston yang akan membantu untuk menghalang ovulasi dari berlaku. 

So mana satu yang okay? Nak tahu best ke tak, baca my experience dekat bawah ni.

IUD vs DEPO (personal experience oki)

DEPO: I guna suntikan depo sebab I takut dengan IUD. Eventho nurse ada propose IUD banyak kali, I firmly cakap taknak.. Sebab IUD masuk ikut bawah. Trauma I bersalinkan icha masih belum habis :p Takut betul teringatkan cek bukaan masa nak bersalin last 4 years. So, I naively use this method for more than 2 years. 

Sepanjang I guna this method, I datang period masa first month je. Then langsung tak period for nearly 2 years. Kalau tanya I, mestila I happy! This is definitely good news for someone yang ada period cramp teruk macam i. Siapa kenal I dari zaman sekolah will know how bad my period pain was. Masa jawab paper kimia time spm pun I kena period pain. Memang kelautla paper tu. Pergi emergency cucuk baru okay. Huhu. That was one out of many other incidents with the pain.

Anyway.. At the same time, berat badan I naik sampai 64 kg dan emosi I seperti ribut. But I tak sedar pun any of the changes. In denial mode, I think? Haha. I figure out about this once I change my birth plan. It's already late but at least I know lah how bad I was during that moment.

Cucuk depo ni sakit ya for one day lepas cucuk. Lenguh separuh badan. Masa sakit ni memang I emo. Hat ni I perasan haha. Sakit yang boleh bawak gaduh kalau ada yang cari pasal :p anyway I ended this plan last year Dec 2019.


IUD: I change to IUD early this year sebab I nak regulate back my period. Orang cakap kalau nak conceive, period is the first thing you need to regulate. Some people ambik masa ya untuk datang period balik lepas cucuk depo. Some take months, some even years. I cuak gila masani. Masa nak pasang IUD, Dr will interview u first lah. Why nak pasang and all. Dr tanya I kenapa nak tukar from depo to IUD? Jawapan I sebab nak regulate my period and conceive. Dr tak bagi ya masa ni. Sebab IUD is quite pricey. So kalau I nak bukak dalam masa terdekat membazir la kan? After Q&A sesh, she approved my IUD.

Mesti tertanya kan, eh tak takut pulak kena pakai IUD? Bentar buk… 


Siap dr tak jumpa jalan untuk pasang IUD. She called her friend untuk tolong. Senak and sakit gila masani. Lepas dah pasang, dr tak jumpa the location of my IUD during scan. Adudu kena tunggu after lunch pulak untuk cek again. Nasib jumpa and it sits in the right place. 

ni bukan cek baby, ni cek IUD location hehe.

I bukan nak takutkan tau. Ni kisah benar hahah. I rasa sakit and tak selesa macam ada benda cucuk dari bawah for about one week. Oh ya, pasang IUD juga akan buat you mild bleeding. 

Tapi nak tahu apa yang best? I datang period balik one month after pakai! Phew after more than 2 years! Rasa seperti zaman sekolah masa first datang period 😝 Ah.. I tertarik sebab IUD boleh kurangkan risiko kanser rahim. Lepas one month akan ada check up juga, 3&6 months after pakai.

Okayla, paling best berat I dah turun to 53kg hehehe. Long way to go to 50kg. but hey, 11 kg loss definitely something to be proud of :p

So, u guna yang mana satu? Or which one yang u plan nak guna? 😊

p/s: Ada banyak tempat for you to get the family plan. Mula mula I pi LPPKN (this one berbayar), and I change to KK kebetulan LPPKN depo shot habis. I baru tahu KK bagi birth plan for free. Huhu I ketinggalan train on this.

Friday 27 November 2020

Little nangkam: Thai food in KL!

Assalamualaikum πŸ’—

Disebabkan tekak dok terasa rasa nak makan thai food, maka ayuhle kite bersame sameeee mengimbau kenangan makan thai food last September. Semoga sesiapa yang baca entri ni boleh teman I telan ayaq liur bersama samaaa πŸ˜†

Kami pi sini lepas dok google tempat makan thai best at the nearby area. Since dah pernah makan dekat little rara, maka kami pun dok google la tempat makan thai hat lain yang sedap based on review lah.  (kalau kena game tu, redho jela kan? haha) Mula mula ada dua tempat paling tempting nak try, last last pilih kedai ni.

We reached here at around 6 PM. Awal kan? Tapi parking susah betul nak dapat. Siap kena uturn jauh baru dapat parking. Kedai ni betul betul tepi jalan besaq, so please be extra careful masa nak parking oki. Rupanya this place is kedai cum rumah. Bahagian depan dia reno jadi tempat makan. Nak pi tandas sila pinjam tandas tuan rumah ya, sepertimana I buat πŸ™ˆ

I lupa nak tangkap gambar kedai. Here ada gambar signboard kedai ni je.

Banyak ya makanan we ordered that day. Since the price was quite okay, I pun mulakan modus operandi “alang alang dah datang, why not we tried a few more of  other dishes 😜” Okay lah, jum proceed with the menu.

1. Boat noodle RM8

Puas makan ya, sebab big bowl. Rasa kuah dia pun okay kena dengan tekak i. Kalau u suka pedas, macam biasa ada chili flakes bottle provided as well. Makanlah sebanyak mana yang anda mahukan. Gittew hehe.

2. Nasi padkapau RM 7

This one boleh pilih nak ayam ke daging. Husband choose daging tak silap i. He said it was okay, he like this one rather than the one he tasted before dekat little rara.

3. Tomyam RM 7

Okaylah sedap. Pekat piaw tapi macam ada something missing dalam tomyam ni. Sampai licin tomyam ni pun I still tak dapat nak figure out apa πŸ˜… Tapi sebab pedas gila, u win ma heart gitu hehe. Love love kepedasan tomyam ni! If u tak letak high expectation maybe u can give it a try. But surely takleh lawan little rara punya lah. Tu another level kesedapan dia.

4. Pulut manga RM 6

Sedappppp! I suka. Rasa santan cukup masin lemak semua fuhhh. Pelam pun tak kedekut dia letak segedebuk atas pulut. Rasa pulut dia serious lembut gila. Kalau perut I masih ada kosong, for sure I akan tambah lagi sepinggan 😳

5. Somtam RM7

I tak suka sangat, tapi sebab takmau husband bebel (sebab i order banyak foods hahaha) I habiskan la dengan adik i. Husband dok tanya sedap ke sedap ke, I tak kata la tak sedap cuma I paksa la habiskan πŸ˜‚ Rasa tak macam somtam sangat. Pelam pun sikit gila dia letak dalam ni.

6. Mingkam RM8

This one okay lah, Cuma daun kaduk dia letak sikit. I guess kena la kan dengan harga dia? I pernah makan few times before, I think this one was okay 😊 Boleh try oki?

Masa kami dok sibuk makan, icha lena. At first husband memang da asingkan siap siap padkapau for her to eat as dinner bila dia terjaga. Rupa rupanya she wanted to have soup. So we ordered one for her. request taknak sayur, taknak daging. Habis icha makan semangkuk. 

Masa nak bayar, I thoguht they missed out icha’s order. Rupanya owner kedai bagi free je sebab dia taktau nak kira macamana. Allah.. terharu sat. 

Anyway kalau nak datang sini, waze: Little Nangkam oki! InshaAllah sampai terus depan kedai hehe

p/s: Pls come early if u nak enjoy the food here! Kalau tak memang lamaaaaa kena tunggu sebab ramai orang. 

p/p/s: Air thai tea lah macam biasa, sebab makan kedai thai kan? hehe.

Tuesday 24 November 2020

Resepi Air Fryer: Pai Tuna sedap & mudah

Assalamualaikum πŸ’—

Harini I nak share resepi Pai Tuna pejam mata pun boleh siap! Gitew. sesuai sangat la untuk buat breakfast ataupun as minum petang. I pakai air fryer russel taylor hat ni : 

Resepi ni resepi ikut suka hati sebab I buat with whatever left in the kitchen. This is my very first time and it turns out pretty well. Setting suhu air fryer pun I main try je randomly. Mula mula buat 10 min, tapi belum cukup golden brown so I add in another 5 min with temperature 180°c.

Bahan bahan: Pastry sheet/ Ayam Brand tuna/ Cheddar cheese slice/ Sebiji telur

Okay jum mula!

1. Potong kepingan pastri kepada 2 bahagian. I guna Kawan pastry.

2. Ambik dalam satu sudu tuna letak di atas pastry yang sudah dipotong.

3. Ambik sekeping cheese (yang sudah dibahagi kepada 4 bahagian), letakkan di atas tuna.

4. Gunakan garfu, tekan keliling pastry secara menyeluruh

5. Pecahkan sebiji telur, dan sapukan di setiap pastry tuna yang sudah siap

6. Masukkan kedalam air fryer selama 15 min dengan suhu 180°c. Siap! πŸ˜‰ (gambar dekat atas ni kena add masa lagi 5 min sebab belum cukup gebu hehe).

It tastes good.

Well, icha dengan husband la yang cakap. haha. Give it a try oki! Senang je nak buat. InshaAllah dapur tak berkecah πŸ˜†

Thursday 19 November 2020

Sakura Collagen +

Assalamualaikum semua πŸ’—

Harini i nak share satu collagen yang I baru je consume these past weeks. So far, I love it.  Will update the outcome later here oki. Anyway, pernah dengar tentang Sakura Collagen + (SC+)? Ha kalau belum, meh I nak share sikit tentang produk ni.

SC+ diperbuat daripada sakura yang dipatenkan dengan ekstrak Prunus Lannesiana Wils, ia membantu dalam menghalang pembentukan melanin dan ia juga bertindak sebagai anti-glycation (merawat kulit bermasalah) disamping meningkatkan produksi kolagen kulit untuk membuat kulit kekal lembut dan berseri. Best kan? It is made mainly from these 3 ingredients: VERISOL®, Sakura Extract & Yuzu Seed & Roselle Extract. 

Jom I cerita dengan lebih detail tentang setiap bahan. 

1. The first one is Verisol® collagen peptide; patented collagen; tailor-made by Gelita, world-leading collagen manufacturer from Germany. 

Jadi, apa yang unik tentang bahan ni?

  • First collagen peptide in the market that utilizes a unique membrane coating technology to protect the collagen peptide as it passes through the stomach acid. 
  • It has a similar structure as the collagen in the dermis layer, which makes the collagen peptides able to penetrate the dermis layer
  • Promotes regeneration of collagen and elastin for 192-hours - far exceeding the standard collagen peptide's 8-hours

Maksudnya, produk ni menggunakan Verisol® collagen peptide yang mempunyai struktur yang lebih kurang sama seperti di lapisan dermis. Sebab tu collagen sakura ini lebih efektif menembusi lapisan dermis. Menarik kan?

2. Sakura extract

Bahan ini juga merupakan ekstrak yang dipatenkan. It is harvest within 7 days of its golden time. It has caffeoyl Glucose and Quercetin Glucose – helps to simulate such effects:

  • Stimulate higher secretion of collagen through our body dermal cells
  • Stimulate higher absorption and production of collagen. 
  • Protect cells against oxidative damage 
  • An anti-glycation agent which inhibits melanin formation, for skin whitening effect
  • Locks in skin moisture

I am so looking forward with everything. I can’t wait to see the result on my skin later πŸ˜‰

3. Yuzu Seed & Roselle Extract

  • Japanese Yuzu extract helps to repair and activate cells, protecting the stability of collagen
  • Roselle extract consists of a high number of antioxidants to help fight against free radical damage, slowing down ageing, and restore skin elasticity.

I gain a lot of new knowledge harini. These 3 main ingredients for this SC+ brings a lot of goodness to our skin. Maybe it’s the time to say goodbye to the problematic skin. Don’t you think so? 😊

Oh ya! 

This product is the collaboration between Pro Nutri Technology (PNT) Research & Fitoplancton Marino (for TetraSOD®) a world-leading Spain-based company producing marine microalgae, securing exclusive rights to the unique and ground-breaking TetraSOD®. Apa yang buat I lebih proud ialah, produk ni hasil usahama dengan Prof Arbakariya daripada UPM. Sebagai produk Fakulti Bioteknologi UPM (mind you I graduate both my undergrad and postgrad in UPM), this collaboration definitely buat I extra excited! 😊

Other than all the certified license (GMP, MESTI, ISO) this product obtained, I am happy to know that SC+ is certified Halal by JAKIM. Using different amazing raw materials, make it into an amazing product & get certified Halal by JAKIM definitely mind blown (my cikgu halal mode automatically activated for a while for this part :p). 

Cara nak consume pun superrrr easy! Mix with 100 ml of cold water and you are good to go. Tapi kalau u bf baby or pregnant, pls consult your gynae oki? Harga collagen ni RM 160. To purchase, you boleh ke laman webs or ping them in their IG page oki?

Anyway, you guys should give it a try! I believe a good product speaks by itself, right? Will share the outcome later in my Instagram πŸ˜‰ 

Wednesday 18 November 2020

Mamee Jonker House & River Cruise, Melaka

Assalamualaikum πŸ’—

Even tho we have been to Melaka for so many times, these two places that I wanted to share today are among the one yang I tak pernah visit lagi. Kebetulan we went here last October, I included these two in the itinerary. Alang alang kan?

Mamee Jonker House

Okay I admit lah, this one I yang nak sangat pergi hahaha. Told my husband this was the place yang I paling nak try out of many attractions in Melaka (sebab yang lain mostly dah cover hehe). Lepas dapat green light, I made a reservation for 2 +1. Per pax, it cost us RM16+ kalau tak salah untuk buat mamee maggi by ourself. A bit pricey kan? Tapi i pejam mata jelah sebab I am soooo looking forward for the experience. Ni kes selalu nampak orang buat on Instagram la ni πŸ™ˆ

Each of us dapat one empty cup with colourless mamee cover. Kena warna ikut suka hati, once dah puas hati with our own art boleh proceed buat maggi in different section. Ssebenarnya it is located in one place je. Oh lupa, kena bayar dulu ya sebelum boleh masuk this section, and they will ask directly what flavour do you like for the soup. They jot down your preference at the bottom of your cup 😊

We can experience how they place mamee inside the cup, we can even try the experience in some part of the process. Okay lah for me, at least I get to imagine how the process looks like. Dekat atas ni 7 station untuk completekan your maggi cup. 

Was it worth it? Yes and No. 

Yes as a first-timer, No if you nak repeat for another time. But this is my personal view lah. The place is definitely worth it to go and experience by yourself. Don’t forget to include it in your itinerary as well oki? It is located at Jonker Street area 😊

River Cruise.

We contemplate trying this since the ticket cost us RM 23+/ pax. Extra calculative eh bila bercuti dalam negara, masa dekat korea RM100 pun I rasa affordable lagi haha dasarrr 😜Since this attraction la paling best from my POV, so I persuade hubs to bought the tickets. We got the best deals from Wonderfly. I rasa harga dekat Wonderfly among yang termurah dalam banyak banyak yang I (read: husband) survey. Kalau walk-in harga per pax RM 25 fix. Cara nak redeem ticket pun senang sangat. Cuma tunjuk QR code yang pihak wonderfly sent thru email, the PIC dekat counter will scan it and you are good to go.

Ni harga lepas dah scan QR code from email. Memang akan keluar harga asal. 

Love betul with the view. Never knew the scenery along the Melaka river at night can be that pretty (and romantic too). Heard by many that the river has a bad smell. Luckily during our time takde hehe phew. I rasa sebab masa ni baru habis PKP, so sungai pun takda bau busuk or everything. It took about 30 minutes to complete the ride, and we rode the last cruise of the night. Nasib baik sempat eh. Sebab masa sampai tu everyone was waiting for their turn to onboard the cruise. 

You should include this activity if you ever come to Melaka. Once in a lifetime experience gitu, I bet you will never regret it πŸ˜‰ Sorry gambar takda sebab all I masuk dekat my IG story je hehe.

Have fun in Melaka guys! I mean by the time covid subside soon insha'Allah πŸ’œ

Thursday 12 November 2020

Pavillion Steak & Grill, Bangi

Assalamualaikum πŸ’—

We’ve been to this place twice; the first visit was with my friend and the second one was with my husband. Sebab sedap, within the same week terus ajak husband repeat makan. 

Never knew our taste bud love the foods here. It was sedapness.

I tak letak any expectation on the first visit tu sebab I pernah makan tempat macamni and it turn out to be frustrating. Harga lebih kurang with this restaurant. Tapi rasa dia sedih sungguh. Ordered carbonara for Icha, turned out they just reheat straight from the tin and put on the plate. Nak make it extra, they add some meatballs on the plate. That’s it. #sisemo :p

By the way...

Here is the menu yang we ate here.

1. Macaroni cheese Rm15.90

They make the gravy by themselves. Its cheesy but tak muak. So boleh makan banyak banyak. Icha suka, she even ate half of the plate. Tapi… Nampak macam sikit kan? Kitorang siap tapau bawak balik.

2. Mix platter grill RM 25.90

Combination of grilled chicken with lamb and rib eye. For sides ada coleslaw, mashed potato and corn in the cob. It comes with black pepper sauce as a gravy. I suka sauce dia, sedap. Tapi sebab set ni banyak sangat ingredients dalam plate, kuah dia cepat kering I guess.

3. Cheezy chicken chop RM 11.90

This one was ordered by my friend. I rasa sikit, and I sukaaaa. Untuk anyone yang suka deep-fried chicken chop you can try this menu. Tapi a bit confusing if you refer to their menu... dalam menu cheese sauce dia lain, bila sampai meja lain. But all in all, it was worth it. Portion besar, siap ada side dishes. 😊

4. Fettucine meatball carbonara RM 15.90

We ate this one masa datang with hubs. Since dah pernah try mac and cheese, we opt for this one pulak this time. Sedap macam biasa, gravy was made from scratch which makes me love it even more hehe. Meatball dia rasa biasa je, I rasa they add in readymade meatball into the plate 😊

5. Lamb chop RM 17.90

The lamb was just okay sebab some part of it was overcooked. Tapi kalau dapat part lembut tu memang ngam habis lah makan. Side menu dia sama macam mix platter gril. As usual, the gravy was good. Hubs approved the sauce too. 

6. Churros RM 9.50

Sedap gilaaa (1st time try) ! I makan this menu on both visits. The first time we tried, it was the bomb. Speechless kejap I makan haha sebab it was too good. So, on the second visit tu I order juga but sadly manis sangat. They overcoat the churros with sugar and cinnamon. I can taste mainly was sugar. frust sikit lah.. sebab haritu kemain i brag with him yang churros ni sedap gila πŸ˜‚

Nanti if I come again, I ambik gambar kedai oki. dia shortcut to Bangi town. Dekat dengan Itik Salai Mashtar bangi. 

Selamat mencuba guys!

Thursday 5 November 2020

JJCM Melaka: Jonker 88

Assalamualaikum πŸ’—

I’ve been to this shop for few times dah. The first one was when icha was still a baby. I remember vividly during the first visit I order sebijik dengan apa yang I baca dekat internet. They said about this menu yang kalau tak try memang la rugi weh. So, I ordered it blindly and confidently (sebab I trust that post haha). Last last whole family rejected the menu. Sebab terlampau manis, rasa cendol semua tenggelam. Patah hatiku~~~~ terpaksa habiskan sorang sorang sambil muncung sedepa sebab semua cranky salahkan I beli benda gitu hahaha.

Tapi.. Sebagai seorang yang pencinta makanan yang tak menyerah kalah, I came here again. Kali kedua tu sebab temankan adik I conference dekat melaka. I sebenarnya tak puas hati ya kenapa I ada terbaca a few blog/ig’s/tweet mentioned about how good this place was padahal I try their dessert rasa biasa je pun. Kali kedua tu I try their famous asam laksa. IT WAS GOOD. I guess, I dah jumpa the reason why people love this shop! #misiberjaya πŸ˜œ

----dan sebab tu, for this recent Malacca trip I dragged my in laws to eat here and they had to lined up unwillingly before we can feast ourself with the foods haha.

I terlupa nak snap photos, dah makan baru teringat. These are the menus. 

Assam laksa (RM 10.50) 

If you love sour food, this is something that match your taste bud. Bukan masam sikit tau, masam extra. It comes with fluffy shrimp as well. I thought nak beli assam laksa without udang for hubs since he’s allergic to seafood, but sadly cannot. Sebab the owner cakap even the kuah laksa oso pakai udang. Sebagai penggemar laksa, I sukaaaa but takdelah suka gila sebab too sour to my liking 😊

Kari laksa (RM 10.50) 

 I tak rasa this menu but my FIL said that it was good. Sama macam assam laksa juga, portion dia besa rya. Kongsi makan berdua pun cukup.

Baba cendol (RM 7.00)

No good response from the audience haha. The same reaction like three years ago which it was too sweet. JADI JANGAN LUPA MINTAK KURANG GULA MELAKA OKI?

Fried fishball noodle (RM 6.00)

Hubs said it was just okay. Takdelah sedap gila, and also takdelah tak sedap at all. 

Fishball noodle soup (RM 6.00) 

Sebab sup so icha onz. Icha suka makan. Hubs also prefer this one compared to the dried noodles.

This one was sedapness! So we ordered one plate. Harga tak ingat πŸ˜…

Okay lah, worth it sebab semua hapi for the foods. Cendol je takda sambutan sebab manis. All in all we enjoy the food. Siap tapau bawak balik oki hehe.

Selamat mencuba guys! 


Jonker 88 (No 88, Jalan Hang Jebat, 75200 Melaka) / Kedai ni memang kawasan jonker street tu. Dekat juga dengan mamee house. Nanti I share on new entri about Mamee house pulak πŸ˜‰

p/s: sedih sikit sebab this kedai takda cili potong. kalau idak mesti berganda kesedapannya.