Thursday 24 December 2020

Review: KIDAONE Elderberry + Colostrum

Assalamualaikum guys! πŸ’—

Sepanjang outbreak since early march this year, boleh kira pakai jari berapa kali i bawak icha pi mall. Itupun sebab ada hal penting. If not memang duduk rumah je. Luckily icha sejenis yang suka duduk rumah. 

This pandemic definitely buat I as a mom jadi extra protective with icha's well being. Kalau icha sakit, i jadi extra kalut. Korang pulak macamana? Apa yang mommies daddies buat/ beli for your kids to ensure they stay healthy tambah tambah lagi during this season? Icha consume vitamin daily. But i dont think its enough for her. Ke i paranoid sangat? πŸ˜…

Selain dari isu dekat atas ni. i ada lagi satu isu lain. 

I think if you guys follow me closely on Instagram you will know that icha was fully bf (breastfeeding) for 2y+. But I (read: icha) facing poop difficulties when she stopped bf last year. I rasa mom can relate this. Anak jarang pupu or tak pupu = world problem. Kan? Sama macam I la. Kalut dok fikir apa patut I buat/ bagi icha makan untuk pastikan icha boleh pupu macam biasa. 

Phew peluh omak eh mikir apo nak buwi ko anak untuk pupu. 

Finally, I jumpa solution!

Comel kan packaging dia?

I tried this [KIDAONE Elderberry + Colostrum] untuk icha both for her digestive and also as a shield for her body 😊

I saw Dr Jezamine (Harith Iskander wife) shared about this product before. Lepas dengar banyak good benefit tentang produk ni, I terus tekad nak cuba untuk icha. I think, theres no harm in trying this product. Mana tahu kot berkesan untuk icha.. if tak berkesan in both of the problem, either one pun bagi i dah okay. 


Apa kelebihan produk ni?

- Colostrum went through agglomeration technique which improves the solubility of a powder to turn to a liquid form, hence, can be easily dissolved in our intestine when consumed. 

- ColostrumOne™ is ethically sourced from high-quality dairies and underwent stringent testing to ensure high quality, safety, and efficacy.

- Processed both at low pressures and temperatures, and is spray-dried using indirect steam to maintain maximum bioactivity.

- it contains elderberry extract, being one of the superfoods for humankind. (fun fact: long ago, elderberry is one of the most commonly used medicinal plants in the world and shown to be effective against virus and bacteria-induced respiratory tract infections. It was the major ingredient in formulations used during the 1918 Spanish influenza epidemic.)

Semua orang tahu benefit colostrum kan? I rasa with all the benefit in one product surely will give the result that I want. Untuk permulaan, I let her consume it a few times a week. And I can say that I see a good outcome from it. Kalau dulu icha nak pupu memang hazab sket ye. Ambik masa yang agak lama dalam tandas. Recently, she can poop easily. Mula mula I tak notice this, after some time baru I sedar. Dah takda drama nak pupu dari icha. Before this kemain susah nak ajak poop. Now bila sebut nak poop easily sit in the toilet and do her business haha.

Bentuk tablet dan warna πŸ˜€

Ah yes, sebelum lupa product ni sesuai untuk anak berusia 2 tahun dan keatas yang mampu mengunyah dengan sendiri. Produk ni ialah sejenis tablet. Jadi makes sure anak ada ability to chew oki! If tak sure, please don’t gambe your kids safety with phrase ‘ala nak try jeee’ oki. I couldn't explain the taste macamana, sebab bila i tanya icha she asked me to give it a try. "Ibu try la, nanti ibu senang nak poop" hahahahha this girl πŸ˜‘Anyway.. i love the results and how it effect icha's. Takda isu susah nak poop dah sekarang. No more waiting game macam "bila icha nak pupu" "Icha tak rasa sakit perut ke". We don't have to buy icha punya magic fruits dah untuk buat icha pupu. For us, dah kira macam achievement. I bagi 10 bintang for this product! 🌟

If you happen to face the same difficulties macam icha, maybe you can try this for your kids. Who knows it might do wonder sama macam it happen to icha kan? 

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