Wednesday 4 September 2019

Icha wean off completely! (tips & tricks)

Assalamualaikum 💖

The waiting time is finally over..

Well, icha finally dah fully wean off day and night! wohoo ;D

When i decided to do this, i told everyone to help me in this process. For me, this wean off journey memerlukan emosi yang super stabil, cool dan sebagainya. haha. All those negative vibe or feelings please dok jejauh sat let this momma do the work! haha. 

I bagi gap between day and night wean off period so that icha tak rasa pressure sangat about the wean off. It took less than a month (the earliest week was super exhausted week sebab icha clingy nangis nangis nak even dah pujuk, another week icha dah okay, but still merengek sat and the remaining weeks were heaven! no more crying episodes wohoo) for icha to finally understand and cooperate well for this period. but trust me, the first few days were horrible!! 💢 u name it apa je icha tak buat masa tidur for the sake of bf, but this momma was super degil and keras hati to let icha win. hahahah.

i. icha nangis yang super kuat for more than 1/2 an hour
ii. menyendeng macam kucing untuk buat ibu cair
iii. icha marah masa tengah tido sebab no bf was allowed 😅

Kadang i tewas gak during the first week, ibu sekali cranky sebab kena layan icha mengamuk marah nangis all at the same time haha. Even both of us cranky I still la menang with the battle! hahaha sebab i memang dah tekad to do this so I do it till the end even iman turun naik dah and hampir giveup 😝 but its all worth the pain gittew. Icha sekarang sleep happily with no bf session! yay. ibu pun tidur super nyenyak bak kata ayah hahaha.

So here are the tips & tricks that maybe you can use as well


1. I pastikan icha minum susu kotak before tidur
2. If she refused, i ask her to drink plain water
3. I letak her water bottle sebelah katil so easy to minum if dahaga malam
4. Setiap hari tanpa gagal i akan religiously telling her yang she can no longer BF (this will lead to neverending why but i akan calmly explain and explain hehe)
5. Everyone dekat keliling icha akan praise her for doing well sebab tak BF on the previous night
6. She will get reward at the end sebab berjaya with the test hehe.

Alhamdulillah. This journey dah settle.
Currently, we are on the potty trained phase and she did well!
If rajin I will share about that later oki?