Sunday 28 June 2020

Review: Cake Together website and purchase experience

Assalamualaikum πŸ’—

Last two weeks we celebrate Fathers Day at home. A celebration where my husband didn't notice we were going to had at first! but..... nanti la i cerita dekat bawah haha. I made a cake booking from Cake Together few days before, with his name as a receiver. 

We loveeeeeeeeee the cake! Sedapness 😝

Plus, cantik betul the design.

Can you guess the price? I bet everyone mesti terkejut if I tell u the price later. Ka I ja terkejut nanti? hehe.

This is the cake! Bought it at RM38 je for one whole cake. I completely puas hati dengan harga sebab cake dia sedap ya amat. Sangat tak kedekut filling, even the chocolate tastes good too.

I got influence to bought the cake from apa yang orang review dekat website. You can also refer to the below picture where Souka uses halal ingredients and bakes in halal environment. So Yeah, definitely a plus point. But you need to read carefully ya sebab ada some cake seller in the website yang tak clarify this thing 😊

click the photos and it will direct you to the website oki

Nak bayar pun senang je, hassle free. Takda any glitch, smooth bethollll. Sememangnya i puas hati sebab tak emo nak bayar, or server lambat semua tu takda. Cake sampai on time (within the estimated time). The delivery man siap call before nak sampai, and masa sampai.

By the way, this should be a surprise for my husband. planned this one week before fathers day. Nak jadi cerita on Saturday tu pi makan makan rumah abang.. husband I ajak tidoq terus alang alang. i pun terpaksa la bocor rahsia sikit kata kena balik awal ok on Sunday morning sebab ada delivery. husband I teka mesti kek fathers day ni. i maleh layan sebab da kantoi haha.

Masih happy walaupun surprise tak jadi haha.

p/s: Jangan lupa try cake on that website oki? Banyak gila choice, mesti rambang mata macam i πŸ˜‚

Monday 15 June 2020

Tutorial: Guinea Pig cage from Cloroplast board


Its been one month since we pet piggy. Our life didn't change much as we enjoyed our new company. Icha addressed herself as kak icha and will be grumpy if we didn't call her that way. We managed to hold and hug piggy 2 weeks after we pet them. Luckily our cousins came and did it. if not, tak tahu lah bila nak berani. Sebab piggy lompat lompat masa nak pegang. So kitorang takut haha.


Below is the proud owner with her piggy. Puas hati sangat bila akhirnya dapat juga pegang dan dukung piggy. 

So yeah..

Today i nak share how to DIY your own guinea pig cage. we did it in one go, and the results was pretty good for a first timer. For reference, we followed the picture below closely, and we satisfied with it. Click on the picture and it will direct you to the page oki.

Basic items untuk buat cage
  1. Cloroplast board x 2
  2. Pencil/ pen (not in picture) - for outline
  3. Tape
  4. Ruler (long ruler is the best, easy to outline the cage)
  5. Cutter (since we didnt own it, we use kitchen knife πŸ˜‚)

Basic tools untuk buat cage

Follow everything from gambar atas, and make sure to cut nicely. Sebab ada part yang kena potong habis macam gambar bawah ni πŸ‘‡

Some part, kena potong half je macam gambar πŸ‘‡

Bila dah siap potong according to the instructions given, your outcome will be like this πŸ‘‡ masa nak gam kami terlupa nak beli gam yang warna putih. so macamni jela untuk the first day, walaupun sakit mata tiba tiba ada warna hitam di situ.

This one below dah much better! Replaced the black with the white sellotape. Nice kan?

Selamat mencuba!😍

p/s: size of the cage depends on you ya. For us, we decided to use 2 cloroplast board sebab nak space yang besar sikit for piggy.

Friday 12 June 2020

Dekat mana nak ambil kos Halal Eksekutif?

Assalamualaikum πŸ’—

After 5 weeks korbankan cuti weekend, finally i am a certified halal executive! Wohoo! 

                                                    The halal executive certificate :)

You can never imagine the hectic life I had to go thru to be a certified halal exec. Dengan kelas, ada exam lagi, presentationnya lagi. Dah lama betul tak jawab exam tetiba kena jawab exam. Nervous gila weh,padahal orang lain relaks je πŸ˜…

I took my course at UNIPEQ UKM. Masa mula mula survey tu I tak decide lagi nak ambik dekat sana since boss suruh survey je dulu. I pun memang takda aim nak pi any course dalam masa terdekat tu. I still tak rasa nak pergi even bila the PIC kata ada discount sempena their 10th anniversary tak silap. I contemplate nak start the course that early sebab I start kerja pun on November itself haha. When I informed my boss, and he said “ok sara, u can go”. I blur terus.. 

So fast forward, I settled everything! The course akan jadi a bit confusing for someone who had zero knowledge like me. Orang lain faham apa instructor ajar, hang sorang je terkebil kebil dekat situ sebab tak familiar with all those terms and words. You should have a basic idea/ knowledge how your industry looks like. Kalau macam I food industry, I kena tahu serba sikit sebelum masuk kelas. Sadly, I didn’t prepare well. I lost in the middle of the class.

Tapi Alhamdulillah. Lulus.

To summarize the training:
  1. They will provide module and handout for the course
  2. You will surely faham sebab they explain betul betul, you can always ask questions
  3. After every module akan ada test, and in between tu ada presentations juga.
  4. Instructor ada 3 orang masa i pergi, they will alternate according to the module
  5. Ada HRDF juga for this course. i tak faham sangat but ada participant kata can claim back if your company ada related with HRDF
  6. Akan ada endless air mineral and sweets untuk elak ngantuk. best kan?
  7. Makan 4 times a day! ni double best 😝
By the way.. Makanan mewah betul ya masa training. I love the first three weeks of the training. Makanan sedap ya ampun. Towards the end of the training, I rasa dorang tukar caterer, tak sedap sangat… tp okayla, I bedal jugak makan haha.

One question from my colleague yang buat I terkelu is when I can’t explain properly “what is the exact Halalan Toyyiban meaning ye sara?” Haku speechless. But now I dah tahu la nak explain in details huhu. So apa yang korang faham dari knowledge korang about Halalan Toyyiban? okay, i bagi contoh keropok super ring dengan nasi ayam. which one is toyyib?

p/s: anything related to halal issue, be it online or offline laki I tak habeh habeh.. yang, cikgu halal kan? Kena tengok ni. Haku terus face palm. Apooooo haha.

p/p/s: I heard that sooner or later the government will implement the rules where every company kena ada halal executive. I think, this will be a great benefit to everyone yang ada this certificate later. In case di wajibkan nanti pun tak susah dah kelam kabut nak ambik since you dah ada kan? Sebab it took some time before you can be a certified Halal Exec.

Friday 5 June 2020

Tutorial: Steps untuk masuk duit ASB secara online


Harini i nak share steps untuk masuk duit dekat ASB secara online.

Sebelum ni i memang setia pergi pos ofice/any bank untuk masukkan duit dalam ASB secara offline. Sebab apa? sebab i tak pernah terfikir langsung nak try online. (sebenarnya i taktahu pun ASB boleh transfer online! hahaha).

Lame i know.

Tapi jangan risau, now i dah tahu dah 😝

takdala episod buang masa menunggu semata mata nak masukkan duit ASB lepasni kan?
Okay jum start.

1. Bukak link ASNB macam biasa, klik daftar di sini.

2. Klik teruskan, dan isi segala maklumat berkaitan.

3. Login balik macam with necessary infos lepas dah selesai sign up.

4. Then your home akan keluar macamni. Since i ada 2 jenis akaun ASB, which include ASB 2 my home will show yang i ada 2 dana. tapi ASB 2 to dormant account je. I tak pernah pun masuk any duit dalam tu sejak i dapat free rm50 daftar masa zaman degree. now duit berapa dalam tu nearly RM100. ok lah kan hehe. 

5. Once dah klik transaksi as above, akan keluar choices as below. Di sebabkan i nak chip in some money into the account, i pilih pelaburan tambahan.

6. Klik TIDAK untuk soalan di bawah, dan tekan seterusnya.

7. Read and tandakan kotak di bawah.

8. Masukkan nilai yang nak di masukkan ke dalam akaun ASB

9. Lepastu cek kembali maklumat diri dan jumlah yang nak masukkan. Pilih bank FPX pilihan. Jangan lupa tandakan kotak di bawah senarai bank tu oki. Buat pembayaran seperti biasa.

10. Bila dah selesai, akan keluar page seperti di bawah. Siap!

Senang kan?

If i know sesenang ni, i takkan pi beratur habiskan masa........ definitely cara yang paling convenient for me and also for you guys.

Selamat mencuba! πŸ˜‰

Thursday 4 June 2020

#masak apa tak jadi hari ini: Ni spaghetti ke bihun?

Assalamualaikum πŸ’—

Entri ni berkaitan with my previous entry ya. I nak habaq memori masam sikit masa dok sibuk kalut prepare makanan untuk project #AyamWithYou last weekend.

Selalunya, kalau I masak spaghetti I masak dalam segenggam macam tu je. This time around I terlalu yakin ya untuk masak sekali 3 beg angel hair. Dah la kelam kabut macamtu, I dengan yakinnya masuk 3 beg sekali harung. In between prep tu, I kacau la  spaghetti tu. Sambal kacau, sambal lari tengok sosej dengan prep barang with husband.

Boleh bayang tak kalutnya masa tu?
Kalau boleh pinjam tangan sotong, I pinjam dah.  πŸ˜‚

Sebab tu i tak sedar yang I dah rebus terlalu lama. Tapi as usual, yakin kan????? Hhahaha I kacau lebih dari masa yang sepatutnya. 

Dah angkat, basuh bawah air sebab nak sejukkan. I perhati la awat la rupa tak cantik ni. I tenung lama gila……………………. Dok fikir cara nak alter kasi cantik. Hahahhaha kelakar gila bila ingat balik. Adoi. Bila pegang pun dia dah soggy lain macam… 


ni ha spaghetti tu. aneh bukan?

I pun buat muka sedih kata dekat husband spaghetti dah gone. howwwww
Husband I seperti biasa, tenang je weh.
I da macam ayam berak kapur masa tu.
He asked me ada berapa beg tinggal? 
I said, another 4.
Okay takpe, cook one bag at a time. Focus dekat  spaghetti je hat lain dia handle
I nervous gila masa masak tu macam tak pernah masak  spaghetti!! πŸ˜…

spaghetti jadiiiiiiiii, phew.

syantik bukan?
Lega betul bila settle masak.

Korang pernah tak jadi macamni bila terlalu nervous? 

p/s: Masalahnya boleh kata hari hari I masak pasta. Boleh pulak eh tak jadi masa hari penting macamni. Memori betul lah