Wednesday 23 December 2020

My first ever laser treatment by Ozhean AM Clinic Bangsar!

Assalamualaikum, hai guys! 💗

I am so excited to share this experience with you. I never tried this kind of treatment before. Dengar perkataan laser pun I dah cuak, inikan nak buat laser dekat muka. I siap bayang kalau terkena laser dekat any part of our body it will cut itself instantly. Drama bukan? :p

I used to have this acne-free skin since high school, so I did my skincare routine whenever I feel like doing it. Yeah. Bad I know. Everything seems okay. But since last two months kulit muka I jadi senang berparut bila naik jerawat, luka susah nak heal and what makes it worse is I always get acne on my face. Definitely abnormal and buat I gelabah. Padan muka :p

So recently I got this luxury to try out this treatment from Ozhean AM Clinic! 

They even provide me with a permit letter in case I got stuck in any of the roadblocks during this CMCO period. Hassle-free kan? As soon as I reach there, the worker greets me nicely. As usual, I need to scan mysejahtera apps and do temperature checking upon entering the clinic. While waiting they even serve me with a hot tea – brought specially from Korea. Rindu koreaaaaa!

During the consultation, I was attended by Dr Chang. When I showed her my current face condition, she instantly told me that I had dry skin. I told her that I use acne skincare range to help with the condition but according to her it will cause my skin to become extra dry. I taktahu pun it can cause this much effect. I ingat bila I pakai the acne range, kulit I akan makin okay. My bad. I bet she must feel tired when I bombard her with the basic skincare routine that I need to do. But she was so calm entertained all my questions. Haha, Sorry Dr! 

Anyway, Dr Chang suggests me to try the FIT Pico Duo Treatment = Pico Toning Laser Treatment + Long Pulse Laser for skin rejuvenation.

FIT tu apa?

“FIT is a customized premium program to FIT everyone skin. With a registered trademark in Korea, FIT program is a customized program that combines different laser treatments to achieve the best results for you.” Our founder, Dr Park Ji-Youn, a certified Korea dermatologist believes that by combining different lasers treatment achieve better results as compared to just having one single laser treatment. This has been proven, as, since 2015, Ozhean Korea has transformed more than 20,000 faces. More than 80% of our FIT program are repeat and satisfied customers. It is our mission to transform lives one face at a time.”

I did this “FIT Pico Duo Pigment treatment”. It helps in even out uneven skin tone and improves skin texture (which is my main concern) through collagen stimulation that also helps to boost skin hydration. 

The flow of the process was like this:

Consultation with Doctor & Skin Analysis 



Post care

I was a bit scared at the beginning sebab I taktahu what to expect for this treatment. I was like “will it hurt me” or “will I feel nothing” or “will it bleeds?” etc. Drama kan? 😝 I feel the mild electric shock throughout the laser process. Rasa dia similar to the electric shock that u feel masa u pegang trolly supermarket (if u pernah kena that kind of shock lah hehe). But it was bearable. Towards the end, I already get used to the shock. Jangan risau oki, treatment ni sat jeeeee! 😉

Bila dah habis treatment tu I ada rasa a bit gatal. This was normal according to Sue Anne (the one who assisted me throughout the process. Thanks babe! Hehe). After I came back home, I didn’t feel any more itchiness. There was no pain at all. Serious. Takda peeling, takda kulit kering or anything. The keyword for the post-treatment is to put on moisturizer and sun protection! Very important oki! So all I did the past week was to moisturize my skin, wear face mask daily and put on sunscreen.

You guys can head over to their website ( to find out more about the treatment offered!  They have 2 branches in Kuala Lumpur, which are in Bangsar and Bukit Jalil if you feel like coming and get the face to face consultation before you want to proceed with any of the treatment too 😉

p/s: Dr Chang let me try the Pico laser for Lips Lightening which is priced at RM500 for free! I have this darker lip tone problem by the way. Love the outcome!

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