Monday 17 August 2015

Tips kahwin awal.

Salam Alayk.

kite masih dalam fasa menyesuaikan diri dekat kelantan. sebab semua kena start from zero as this is the starting point for our journey together. dalam keadaan hidup yang sedikit kucar kacir tapi belum tunggang terbalik sebab masih mampu bersuka ria membuang masa buat benda lagha. hahaha fani maisarah -_-

nampak kan tajuk entri kite? since quite a few yang tanya macamana kite dapat permission kawin awal because they didn't even believe i'll get married during study at that time.. i find a reason to blogged about this. there are people yang whatsapp, personally meet me and ask how i able to get married early. well, kite sendiri pun confused :p sebab.. my husband and i both tak pernah terlintas pun nak kahwin awal tambah lagi masa belajar. tapi, ni semua jodoh. Rahsia Allah swt.. which i find it is good. and still to this date rasa bersyukur sebab dapat keluarga dan keluarga mentua yang super supportive. Sebab tanpa restu semua ni takkan terjadi kan ;)

okay back to the topic. tips kawin awal..?

i believe those who dreams of getting married have a steady financial. because, this is the main factor you able to get the green light from your parents. but, if you happen to dream of getting married during your studies, make sure you are mentally and physically ready enough to stand with your decision. ask yourself whether can you survive when both of you are not yet having a good financial support (abaikan if you does not having any problem with this ya :)). if you said yes, proceed your good intention. there will be obstacle bila nak buat something good, jadikan semua tu sebagai satu penguat semangat untuk hasilkan satu ikatan sah yang di sukai Allah swt :) 

Basically, tu je yang penting. sebab things happen when you yourself want it to happen. bila ada masalah during preparation of geting married and you dah back off sebab give up or sebab you tak jumpa jalan keluar to the problem or you tak cuba selesaikan that problem maknanya you not ready yet. bear that in mind okay guys? ohh.. and make you yourself clear why you wanted to get married. but pls.. don't make a scene with your parents bila dorang tak restu. mesti ada sebab.. mesti. they are not simply say no without reason. they are our parents. semestinya, dorang nak yang terbaik untuk kita kan? jadi.. bila tak dapat persetujuan, pujuk. doa.. jangan lupa. tu yang penting :) tunjuk jugak usaha awak nak kawin. jangan nak kawin lepastu makan tido makan tido je dekat rumah. caneeeee nak yakinkan mak ayah camtu? =_=

"Setiap yang terjadi pasti ada sebab. setiap yang terjadi pasti ada punca"

peace! Assalamualaikum :)

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