Saturday 17 October 2015

Haze vs Health

Salam alaykum salam tahun baru 1437H semua 🌸

Kite baru balik dari shah alam last few days to attend majlis nikah & resepsi along kite untuk belah perempuan. Masa sampai sana the API for haze starting to rise back. Totally different daripada kelantan sebab kelantan jerebu tak teruk langsung. Dekat sana all u can see is blurred building because everything were covered with haze. Masa dekat shah alam tu, me and my husband pulak asyik keluar masuk rumah sebab we have to settle few things plus we need to buy meal for my family members. Masa tu, dengan haze teruk badan tak cukup rehat, you can see 2 zombies walking around shah alam haha :p and 3 days rasa kejap gila because we need to go back to kelantan.

Sampai je kelantan, the next day start sakit tekak. Kite suspect because of haze. Sampai harini, which is hari ketiga kite batuk teruk. For an asthmatic person, batuk is a big no no bcs it leads to asthma. Sesak nafas is teribble, you can't breath properly and u can't even sleep T_T haze totally make my health condition down the drain. Poor hubsy sebab dia pun tak sihat sangat but he need to run few errands sebab kite memang bedrest sepanjang sakit. Sorry T_T 

so yeah, "Thank you" haze, you totally made my day :/

* Soft reminder.. When people keep talking about haze, not because it is trending for fun. Jerebu memang teruk dan jejaskan kesihatan. Haze is bad. Lagi teruk untuk babies, small kids, elder people and to asthmatic person. Be safe, and take a good care people! Wear face mask if it is necessary okay? Stay indoor to be safe ;)

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