Thursday 14 September 2017

Review: Bekas simpan EBM yang best

Assalamualaikum ♥

Being a SAHM doesn't mean that I don't need this storage milk. Since I am still a student where sometimes I need to attend classes or meet my SV, having an EBM stock totally a life savior! Who's with me? Betul kan? Kadang kadang pi kelas we need to left our baby at home, of course we need to have at least few bags of EBM to make sure our baby kenyang throughout the day.

Starting from my confinement days I already make stocks in case there is anything urgent which need me to leave my baby at home for a while. Some of my closest friends know that I need to attend classes during my confinement. Kenangan betul :') okay skip that part.

Sooo, below are two types of the storage bag that I have and still used until today.

The left one is from Autumnz (shopee link:
The right one is from Fiffy (shopee link:

For fiffy: This product claims that it is - Safe and hygienic - BPA (Bisphenol-A) Free material - Easy to use, store and freeze milk safely - Bag can be stored upright or flat in the fridge or freezer. - Milk thaw faster when lay flat - Convenient 6 ounce capacity bags - 25 pre-sterilized bags


Pros: Easily stored! A plus point there. Can save lots of space inside my deep freeze :) kalau simpan susu dalam keadaan flat, susu senang nak thawed afterward. Jimat masa jugak. Another plus point I think? Tempat untuk tulis nama and tarikh is in different compartment than the milk. SO, there will be no case like the ink from the pen dispersed into the milk which i believe no one wants this thing to happen kan? 

Cons: But i don't really like the bag because it is too thin and can easily tear? Always happened bila tengah thawed, susu leaking from the bag. It happens quite a number of time, so I am a bit frustrated because my liquid gold rosak macamtu je. :( Price wise a bit pricey as compared to autumnz. The zipper is a bit challenging to be used. if i am in hurry, emosi jugak nak close it tightly. huhu

For autumnz: This product claims that it is BPA Free • Double walled to preserve nutrients effectively • Medical grade material, perfect for safe and extended freezer storage • Thick laminate to prevent ink leeching • Pre-sterilised bags to ensure safe feeding • DOUBLE zipper top to prevent leakage • No-spill self-standing bottom • Heat sealed sides to prevent splitting • Easy to read designated area for date, name and time


Pros: I like the packaging. Plastic is quite thick as compared to fiffy. Never in my case happened my liquid gold leaked from the bag. So, yeyy? I love this bag because it never spilled my liquid gold, it stored milk in a perfect condition and it is easily thawed as well. Easily stored inside my deep freezer. Double zipper senang nak bukak dan tutup. Takdela isu love-hate relationship with the zipper hehe.

Cons: If I packed my liquid gold to the maximum amount of 5 ounces, it will be hard for it to be stored and thawed. Time-consuming which I hate it so much. Other than that, nothing to complain.

Jangan kedekut storage bag to stored your liquid gold ok?

Imagine your baby is hungry and u need to wait for the milk to be completely thawed? Pheww, challenging ok 😅 Pernah jadi when my parents babysit my daughter tapi masa tu susu lambat cair and my baby screaming for milk. She wants it on the dot, but the milk is not ready. My parent just give the cold milk with the hope that my baby tak sakit perut. Luckily she's ok after that. haha. kenangan betul

Lesson learned... 

Pls simpan the right amount of milk untuk one time consume je. Macam sofia, she will drink 3 oz per session. To play safe maximum amount i stored for one bag is 4 ounces. Not more than that since milk can easily spoiled. So sayang kan if tak habis?

For now i use the autumnz storage bag. Fiffy no more. Because i dont really like the packaging. But both of the bag is BPA free, so inshaAllah it will be okay. Ada parents yang prefer to stored the liquid gold inside the bottle instead of bag, well it all depends on you guys sebenarnya. Ada jugak taknak kasi their baby from bottle sebab they believe df is the best for their child. it all depends on you, because the baby is your own. But jangan compare pls? Different parents different commitments. But with one aim, we want the best for our baby. kan? 😄

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