Thursday 6 August 2020

Halal lesson: Cara nak identify halal logo tu legit atau tidak.

Assalamualaikum. 💗

Since i dapat banyak soalan mengenai Halal, i cuba update here sikit sikit so everyone can learn as well oki?

Today i nak share on Halal logo. 

I bet everyone mesti tertanya tanya everytime nampak halal logo selain dari halal Jakim dengan Halal korea (KMF) kan? hehe.

I am sure yang everyone aware tentang halal logo korea since kes Samyang haritu. Sebab ada some yang makan without the logo, bila others create awareness on Korea punya halal logo everyone started to notice and acknowledge about it.

These are among the questions bila kita jumpa halal logo yang pelik sikit

- Boleh makan ke kalau halal logo macamni?
- kenapa halal logo ni pelik
- kenapa tak pernah jumpa halal logo ni?

Okay, Kalau u tengok gambar makanan dekat bawah ni. Agak agak, is the logo legit? 

This is another one.

Kenal tak this famous kulit asam? Sedappppp! 😋

If u look closely you will noticed that both halal logo are different. One halal logo is from Taiwan, and another one is from Shandong (China).

Serious question: If you happen to stumble with this logo, will you buy this product?

I won't.... if u ask me 1 year ago. haha. sebab bagi i kalau logo tu pelik and i tak pernah jumpa buat i rasa was was and i takkan cuba makan.

But now everything dekat hujung jari je. If you happen to feel ragu ragu, you can always check whether the halal logo is certified by jakim malaysia ataupun tidak thru this link here ------> JAKIM MALAYSIA

Jum i share cara nak cek halal logo:

1. Bila buka link di atas, akan tertera home macamni

2. Scroll sikit ke bawah, akan ada list negara negara. I choose china.

3. ....and from here, you can see yang halal logo Shandong China is certified halal body by JAKIM.

Senang kan? 

Sometimes we tend to buy bila nampak halal logo yang nampak kompleks sebab nampak more legit than the simple one. Betul tak? But that is not the correct way tau. Definitely a no no. Pls be aware dengan shape of the logo as well, sebab the fake one sometime beza sikit je with the original one.

I hope this helps. InshaAllah lepasni boleh membeli tanpa ragu ragu 😘

p/s: let me know if ada yang still tak faham oki.

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